...And The Clock Struck Twelve (Labyrinth One-Shot)


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
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Author's Note: This story was first posted as a beginning to a longer story but never came to anything. It is the child of the same windy fall day as "Both Sides Of The Mirror"..

A twist ending...Sarah came home at twelve but...(Written in 2001)

Sarah heard the tones ring in her mind, counting them out mentality even as the Goblin King scattered to diamond dust.

Nine..ten..eleven..twelve.. The young girls eyes closed as she awaited the final chime.


Her eyes snapped open, only to find herself with her face pressed to her pillow. In bed. Her bed.

He said thirteen o' clock..but...there is no thirteen!

"How silly of me..I must have been dreaming" She spoke alound and turned over, hanging onto sleep. But it was too quiet suddenly..much too quiet..

Why wasn't Toby crying? Sarah sat bolt upright in her bed and tiptoed down the hall. With each step she noticed that the pressure of her feet left clear spots in a thick coat of dust covering the floor.

How did it get so dirty all of a sudden? She wondered, and cleared a spider web out of doorway of her parents room.

"Toby..." Sarah started before she looked into the crib and her heart sank.

The inside of the baby's crib was laced with spider webs and dust around the pillows and blankets..as if no living thing had touched it in ages...

Toby was gone!

"It wasn't a dream..Jareth kept him.." Sarah whispered though a wave of tears.

"What will I tell..." She bit her lip against the thought .

If she told her dad what happened he would never believe her.

But who would?

Her step-mom already thought she was odd..if she got wind of her talking about something like goblins taking Toby Sarah was sure she'd be proclaimed officially crazy.

I have to run away! There's nothing for me here anymore..

Sarah thought in bitterness as she raced back and put a tiny handful, all the things that mattered to her in the world: a few books, stuffed animals, music box, and a picture of her mother.

As she passed by the clock and calendar in the kitchen a sudden sinking feeling overtook her body. She reached up slowly, carefully...

A daddy long legs ran away from her hand as she brushed it over the shadowed date, clearing it off.

Her eyes widened and her breath caught in her throat.

August 5, 20...

Sarah read the last two numbers in silent disbelief.

She had come back on the same day without aging..

...Fifty years later..when the clock stuck twelve.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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OOOhhhhhh..... Me likey. I was wondering where you were going with that.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
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OOOhhhhhh..... Me likey. I was wondering where you were going with that.
Thank you :smile:. I might have turned this into a full length short story, but a review I got back then squashed all my tiny hopes in dreams. He was a nasty reviewer :stick_out_tongue:. He basically said "I can see all the ways this could play out and none of them are worth writing :stick_out_tongue:." only in worst wording. Nasty, nasty:frown:...


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2004
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Meh...People sometimes just cannot see good writing when it's staring front of them (figuratively-speaking)!


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
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Meh...People sometimes just cannot see good writing when it's staring front of them (figuratively-speaking)!
I figure he was just the sort that had all sorts of ideas and never could write them down so he got joy in trying to stop others from writing :stick_out_tongue:


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2004
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I figure he was just the sort that had all sorts of ideas and never could write them down so he got joy in trying to stop others from writing :stick_out_tongue:
Bur you shouldn't let some shmuck stop you from what you love to do. *hugs*


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2004
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*lol* I wish I had you around back then :smile:
LOL! Had I know you existed (I am deeply sorry, but that's the best way I could put that set of words) and had I known my fellow Muppet fans needed my presence, I would've been there! ^_^ *huggles*