After the Funeral


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2012
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Here's another tribute to Jerry. It's my first Muppet fan-fic. Hope you like it.
Floyd Pepper stood alone in front of Jerry Nelson's grave. The funeral was over and people where starting to leave.
He fiddled with the gold buttons on his black jacket. He hated black. Jerry had known that. Jerry had known everything about him.
Floyd thought about when Jim and Richard had died. He'd been sad, but it hadn't been like this.
The last time he'd seen Jerry they'd reminisced about good times on the Muppet Show. Like the time Animal had chewed through his chain and gotten loose on the city and he and Jerry had spent hours chasing him around the city as he caused mayhem and disaster everywhere (if you haven't heard this story before it's because the Muppet's had it hushed up).
"I'm sorry, Floyd."
Floyd spun around. It was Miss Piggy.
"Thanks..." he said, uncertainly.
"This must be very hard for vous," she said.
"Yeah." They stood in silence. "So," Floyd said, "you're not gonna hit me?"
Miss Piggy made a face. "Not today, band boy," she said as she turned and walked away.
"Floyd? Are you, like, alright?" It was Janice. She was wearing a cut black dress, and despite is sadness, Floyd couldn't help but notice that she looked great.
"No, not really, Jan." Floyd hesitated. "Remember when Richard died?"
"Well how did you, you know, deal with it?"
"Well, mostly by, like, talking to you, babe."
"So... d'you wanna talk?" Floyd asked.
"Fer sure."
They stood in silence for a couple seconds.
"D'you... d'you think that the people we care about are always with us? You know, like everybody always says?"
"That's, like, rully deep, Floyd. But... yeah. I do."
Rain started to fall. Floyd reached out and touched Jerry's tombstone.
"Good bye, Jerry." Then he took Janice's hand and the walked out of the cemetery together.
Well, I hope you liked it! :sing::flirt:


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2012
Reaction score
*face palm* I meant CUTE black dress not cut black dress:eek: !!!!!!!!! Oops. :sigh: