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  1. F

    What sketches scared you as a kid?

    tweedle bugs were my favorite! I loved how they'd say Tweedle Tweedle, they were so tiny, maybe that could be scary( perspective is hard to deal with when you are a kid). Tweedle, tweedle tweedle! lol I also liked the manamana monsters!:halo:
  2. F

    What sketches scared you as a kid?

    scariest sketch It was the one where the parrot keeps saying "Who is it?" Then the man outside says 'It's the plumber , I've come to fix the sink'. then he gets so angry he has a heart attack and dies. That was horrifying! But I still liked the parrot.:halo:
  3. F

    New Members: Please Post and Introduce Yourself

    Hi, I'm new to Muppet forum I've been a puppetmeister for a while. I do my own show with some of my friends and we perform at festivals and at our own space in NYC. Recently we were part of Drama of Works Puppet festival the Carnival of Samhain with a tiny segment of our show "Coffina's...