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  1. L

    How's the weather where you are?

    I would love it if it snowed in the UK for christmas, but it won't so i won't hold my breath. Its not been too bad today, no rain which has been nice. Sunny bit of a breeze. Liz
  2. L

    In Development: Henson's Fraggle Rock Movie

    I think a film of Fraggile Rock would be great. I am looking forward to it if they really do do it. Hope so fingers crossed. Liz
  3. L

    New Members: Please Post and Introduce Yourself

    Hello to all. I would like to say hi to all. My name is liz and im married with 3 kids and 3 cats. My family and i live in Bournemouth UK. I have alwasys loved the muppets or any off shoot of them so it is very hard to choose a fave film so i think i won't. We finally got the kids to like...