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  1. L relaunches with Disney XD

    There's a new video up featuring Bunsen and Beaker. So at least Frogboy 4 got his wish. Pretty amusing too.
  2. L

    Disney Enlists Segel & Stoller for new Muppets movie

    I thought I'd pass on a segment from this week's EW about Jason Segel and the muppets: Meanwhile he and Stoller are penning scripts for (list of films) and a little project in the works for these creatures known as the Muppets. Seems at a recent meeting where Disney execs were laying a world...
  3. L

    Explain to me again...

    Hi gang, I believe that Disney bought the Muppets as a last gasp for Michael Eisner's ego before he left the company. It was something he had been working on for much of his tenure and he managed to pull it off right before he left. More of a personal victory than a company benefit. Another...