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  1. JP NZ

    Elmo on Rove Live -Tuesday the 11th july

    Cool, but it's already all up on YouTube.
  2. JP NZ

    Elmo on Rove Live -Tuesday the 11th july

    You can see this wonderful interview on Rove's website; I can't post links because I haven't made enough posts yet :grouchy: So, uhh, reassemble this URL by cutting and pasting and removing the space between the www and the dot and between the dot and rovelive/ andbetween rovelive/ and...
  3. JP NZ

    Mahna-Mahna re-filmed for NZ Child Cancer charity

    Driving through Auckland City today I saw a huge (maybe 8m x 10m) Mahna billboard/canvas stretched across a building, with the bandanana logo & promotion details. I may be back that way later in the week so will try and get a photo. I've also seen small ~A3 sized window posters featuring...
  4. JP NZ

    Mahna-Mahna re-filmed for NZ Child Cancer charity

    Hi All, Though you might like to know... Press release: Muppet Show gives its support to CanTeen The TV ad as mentioned in the article has begun screening in New Zealand. It's a re-recording/re-filming of the classic "Mahna Mahna" skit, but saying "Bandanana" instead, with the same muppet...