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  1. Fraggline

    Will the Count live on?

    Hmm. That is confusing. It does seem to me that parents have gotten slightly more worried about the things their kids do and say, so maybe Don Music's segments were removed as more and more people complained. As my mom says, children in her day were sent out to play unsupervised at a young...
  2. Fraggline

    Will the Count live on?

    Bingboingcutie, you're absolutely right! (even if you didn't guess Ernie's rubber duckie) That's another thing that I try to keep in mind when I hear recasts--those taking on the characters may be excited new puppeteers who feel honored to take such a job. This is when I think of you, bbc...
  3. Fraggline

    Will the Count live on?

    Yeah, it was weird for me when I heard David Rudman's Scooter, too. But now, I'm so excited about all that he's added to the character! So much life and energy; and who knew that the Muppet Show go-fer would go on to get a job at Google or give a speech at TED? Anyway, that experience is...
  4. Fraggline

    Remembering Jerry Nelson (July 10, 1934-August 23, 2012)

    Oh, wow--that's so hard. I can't name one, but here's a few: The Announcer Gobo Jerry Pa Gorg Mumford The Chinese Dancing Gorilla Dr. Sillystuff and last but not least, Marjory
  5. Fraggline

    Remembering Jerry Nelson (July 10, 1934-August 23, 2012)

    Y'know, the night before I heard the news, I had this dream. I was at a museum with pictures representing every well-known person who had passed away. I saw legendary people: creators of cartoons, famous actors and actresses...the list went on and on through the halls. And while I was there...
  6. Fraggline

    FF: Muppet Kids in "Starring Janice"

    Thank you so much, muppetfan24/7! It makes me so happy when somebody reads my story! :) And at least I'm pretty sure professionals mess up their lines. I hope that didn't sound out-of-place.
  7. Fraggline

    Fraggle Rock Movie Gets Screenwriters (Hollywood Reporter)

    Y'know, actually, yes, yes, I am often silly, especially when I don't mean to be. ;) Thanks for reminding me that it's a forum! :3 I guess you're right--it's designed to be a place where you share your opinions. And also, good point about Lou. Poor Wembley! Right now, in fact, I really...
  8. Fraggline

    Fraggle Rock Movie Gets Screenwriters (Hollywood Reporter)

    :D Me gusta! :dreamy:
  9. Fraggline

    Fraggle Rock Movie Gets Screenwriters (Hollywood Reporter)

    Good luck! :) Bye! And by the way, sorry for just barging in there with my opinion--I do that way too often.
  10. Fraggline

    FF: Muppet Kids in "Starring Janice"

    Thank you to everyone who is reading this! If it seems short, it's because it's supposed to be a Muppet Kids storybook-style story. I hope you can enjoy it! It was a Friday afternoon, and all the members of the drama club at school were bouncing on their tiptoes with excitement. That day...
  11. Fraggline

    Fraggle Rock Movie Gets Screenwriters (Hollywood Reporter)

    That was my same reaction, too. :)
  12. Fraggline

    Fraggle Rock Movie Gets Screenwriters (Hollywood Reporter)

    I laughed, too--awesome word choices! Don't mean to disrespect the conversation here, but I kind of like Lou, even if--and I agree with bandit on this one--she does seem like sort of a plot device. She's empathetic and caring, and she's also not one to beat around the bush--she wants to get...
  13. Fraggline

    What went wrong with Muppets from Space?

    Yeah, you have a point.
  14. Fraggline

    Fraggle Rock Movie Gets Screenwriters (Hollywood Reporter)

    Sorry, I have to ask: do you dislike Lou, or were you just joking?
  15. Fraggline

    Fraggle Rock Movie Gets Screenwriters (Hollywood Reporter)

    You said it! And kudos to you, Colgoff! I guess I just thought it would be Mokey because I always thought she was a purplish-mauve (but after reading some replies, it definitely makes sense that she would be more of a pinky color) and because some people have confused her gender. I once saw...
  16. Fraggline

    Voiceless (Dedicated to Richard Hunt)

    Hi! I just stumbled across this story, so I haven't read it all yet; but I have to tell you that this piece of writing--especially the quoted portion--is, well, I can't describe it as less than work of a gifted person. It has that quality that Gone with the Wind has. And the characterization is...
  17. Fraggline

    Fraggle Rock Movie Gets Screenwriters (Hollywood Reporter)

    I think you might be thinking of Mokey. She's the quiet, gentle, dreamy Fraggle who passionately cares for the well-being of all her friends. :dreamy: She's my favorite character, too.
  18. Fraggline

    The Beauregard Thread--For Everybody Who Didn't Get A Joke

    :laugh: Kids are just curious, aren't they?
  19. Fraggline

    The Beauregard Thread--For Everybody Who Didn't Get A Joke

    I would do that too, only I would ALWAYS ask during the TV show that everyone was trying to watch. I think my mom had to even make a rule: "no asking questions until the commercial break."
  20. Fraggline

    What went wrong with Muppets from Space?

    @Drtooth: that's an awesome new re-write for the movie! Especially the "we have to go find..." gag. And, yeah, some parts of the movie did run kind of slow and caused me to lose interest at times. But I admit that I did like that "Clifford checking mail" bit--that was cute! It makes me want...