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  1. Bonsaï

    Harry Potter and the Priziner of Azkaband

    I am soooooo looking forward to it!!!! today, 2nd of June, it was released here in Belgium, and i'm already going to see it tomorrow!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!! You see I'm a HUGE Harry fan, and the film looks sooo cool!!! the books absolutely rule. xXx
  2. Bonsaï

    Who's your favorite Muppet monster?

    hey wat about Animal? isn't he a kind of a monster too? if he is then he's definitely my favorite! :)
  3. Bonsaï

    Question about the signature

    okay that's no problem, and thanks! :)
  4. Bonsaï

    Question about the signature

    I have a question: why won't the banner in my sig show up?? i definitely typed the link good cause if you click it it shows you the banner. could somebody help plz?? Thx! X
  5. Bonsaï

    New Members: Please Post and Introduce Yourself

    hello everybody here!!!! My name is Greet, I'm from Belgium, and I'm (of course) a big Muppet-fan!! I knew the Muppet Show a long time but I wasn't really interested in it, until I got some really good memories to the song of the Muppet Show and since then I started watching it and I love it...