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  1. Raimiette

    Bbb Beaker?

    I haven't been here very long so my opinion might not matter but I think it's fine. It dosen't make your posts too much bigger and it won't make viewing the boards any slower for those on computers with slow connections.
  2. Raimiette

    New Members: Please Post and Introduce Yourself

    I'm new to these boards and thought I would introduce myself here. I'm Raimiette, the name comes from my favorite director Sam Raimi and the fact that I am a girl. I come from a few other message boards:
  3. Raimiette

    Hiya folks, new chick here!

    Yes, sorry about this post. I saw the sticky right after I posted. Is there a way I can delete this post?
  4. Raimiette

    Hiya folks, new chick here!

    I'm new to these boards and thought I would introduce myself here. I'm Raimiette, the name comes from my favorite director Sam Raimi and the fact that I am a girl. I come from a few other message boards: