Search results

  1. M

    desperatly needed

    Thank you for all the help and support rock!....thanks for the link MuppetDanny...i shall check it out...but i'm still hoping to preferably buy from a proper bag site because i have bought stuff from ebay before and it has either not turned up...when i have sent the money or it's been...
  2. M

    desperatly needed

    :( :cry: snippered with 3 seconds to go.
  3. M

    desperatly needed

    oop .....yay no i got it ...i'm the higest bidder for it at the mo...£10.00 ...and it's £35 on that other website i mentioned ......yay oh i hope i win so bad ...thanks for telling me about it .....2 hourse to go .........eek i hope i'm not snippered :concern: .....wish me luck! *Melanie runs...
  4. M

    desperatly needed

    *huggles * to you too leliebel Thank you MuppetsRule for the links to Ebay for the back packs so so much....but i think i have missed them :( but hopefully there will be another one soon. I'll keep checking back ;)
  5. M

    desperatly needed

    ok i feel guilty now :o's just you know the kind of nasty messages/people you can get on these type of boards .....and i thought you were being nasty/sarcastic to me .... you don't have to get all anal about it though :attitude: ....but i understand now and i apologize :). P.S...
  6. M

    desperatly needed

    Thank you for the welcome! That's cool... thanks for the tip on making my own back pack ....but i know the real animal backpacks are in existence can get them here i just found it but they are...
  7. M

    desperatly needed

    yay another ********:sleep: thanks for all the effort you put into your replies:rolleyes: but the reason i need an Animal Muppet backpack is because i have wanted one for years and since getting a new computer just thought i would politely ask people on line where i would get one ......because...
  8. M

    desperatly needed

    I really really need a plush backpack of Animal :halo: but i don't know where to get them ....if anyone could give me a link or help in anyway it would be greatly appriciated. Thank you ;)