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  1. beakerboy12

    The 7th Annual Muppet Central Forum Awards Ceremony

    We'll be back after this commercial break, I guess:
  2. beakerboy12

    The 7th Annual Muppet Central Forum Awards Ceremony

    *fantasy* He's been on MCF as long as we know! Floyd Pepper: We don't got enough time for this! *fantasy ends*
  3. beakerboy12

    The 7th Annual Muppet Central Forum Awards Ceremony

    Go Prawnie! Go Animal! *Animal drumrolls* Animal: Hahaha!
  4. beakerboy12

    The 7th Annual Muppet Central Forum Awards Ceremony

    Go Gerbert! Go Quesal! Go Crazy Chris! Go Everyone! Dearth Nadir: Nice puppetry work! Hey, aren't you still going to hijack the awards?... Why did I just say that? Dearth Nadir: T*H*Os! Come!
  5. beakerboy12

    The 7th Annual Muppet Central Forum Awards Ceremony

    Yay! Slackbot and Toga! Sorry, I was gone for a short time! But congrats Slackbot and Toga!
  6. beakerboy12

    The 7th Annual Muppet Central Forum Awards Ceremony

    Hooray, Slackbot! Gonzo: Woo-hoo!
  7. beakerboy12

    The 7th Annual Muppet Central Forum Awards Ceremony

    Janken: Hey, maybe my friend could perform? Dwayne: Who's your friend? *enters... Cantus* Cantus: I am Cantus and I would like to give you the gift of music! Murray the Minstrel: In other words, we wanna play a song...
  8. beakerboy12

    The 7th Annual Muppet Central Forum Awards Ceremony

    Thank you! Again! Thank you! I appriciate all you guys! All I can say is thank you! *Pepe slaps me* Pepe: What can ju' say now? That hurt!
  9. beakerboy12

    The 7th Annual Muppet Central Forum Awards Ceremony

    Statler: Y'know I never found out, who are these... "Muppeteers"? Waldorf: They're the people that puppeteer us! Statler: Us? That's silly there's no one operating us! Dave Goelz: You sure? *the two old men then scream*
  10. beakerboy12

    The 7th Annual Muppet Central Forum Awards Ceremony

    Go Prawnie and Muppet Newsie! *on the set of Sesame Street* Steve Whitmire: I just had a strange feeling that two people just became our biggest supporters. Eric Jacobson: Don't be worried, they only happen once a year! Steve Whitmire: You're right!
  11. beakerboy12

    New Members: Please Post and Introduce Yourself

    Nice to meet you, Beauregard1993! Like Gonzo's Hobbit said, we have a Collectibles section here at MC! And an Action Figures discussion board, where our resident action figure guy, Dearth, makes custom figures! I think you'll have a great time here, Beau!
  12. beakerboy12

    The 7th Annual Muppet Central Forum Awards Ceremony

    Yay! Minor muppetz! Here's a tee! Beauregard: Tee? A letter T! Cookie Monster: Which is de letter of de day! I think...
  13. beakerboy12

    The 7th Annual Muppet Central Forum Awards Ceremony

    Bye, Slackbot! Janken: Hey, Rizzo! You got any cheese! Rizzo the Rat: Ughhh! I regret taking Bubba's advice... *Rizzo has a flashback* Bubba Rat: Take cheese! *flashback ends*
  14. beakerboy12

    The 7th Annual Muppet Central Forum Awards Ceremony

    Go frogboy4! The #1 supporter of Muppet merch. in 2010! You deserve a stuffed toy *hands frogboy a Rowlf stuffed doll*
  15. beakerboy12

    The 7th Annual Muppet Central Forum Awards Ceremony

    Dearth Nadir: Yes! You are correct as well, rowlfy! I will hijack this thread! Beakerboy: Or we could congratulate our moderator, Phillip Chapman for winning the award! Dearth Nadir: That works too... But afterwards, I will rule this thread! Beakerboy and Dearth Nadir: Congrats Phil!
  16. beakerboy12

    The 7th Annual Muppet Central Forum Awards Ceremony

    Go, Dearth! Dearth Nadir: You called! Janice: It's Dearth Nadir! Dearth Nadir: Yes, Janice! You are correct! I am here to take over the Seventh Annual Muppet Central Forum Awards Ceremony Thread... Wow! That's a mouthful! Red Fraggle: Wait, you're a thread hijacker! Dearth Nadir...
  17. beakerboy12

    The 7th Annual Muppet Central Forum Awards Ceremony

    Yay, Dr. Tooth! Gobo Fraggle: Yeah, your our biggest supporter!
  18. beakerboy12

    The 7th Annual Muppet Central Forum Awards Ceremony

    I have it, it goes from season 35 to 41 (the current season)! It's awesome, but they don't have every single episode.
  19. beakerboy12

    Happy Birthday Frogboy4!

    Happy birthday, Jamie! Have a great one!