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  1. Rosewood

    Smokers on the forum

    That makes 2 allergic people here; me and Anything. Anyone else out there actually ALLERGIC to ciggy smoke?:eek:
  2. Rosewood

    What kind of action will get SW's attention?

    Regarding the spelling errors This petition is not one that was personally written by me. I have e-mailed the person who originally put this petition out, but so far he hasn't contacted me back. If he does, this is an issue I will address with him. But if members of the forum would like to put...
  3. Rosewood

    Anybody visit their old schools?

    I visit my old schools all the time! I graduated in 85, but I still have teachers that are teaching, and I go visit them at work a few times a year. A few years ago, I went back to my grade school just for nostalgic reasons, and was shocked out of my mind to find one of my second grade teachers...
  4. Rosewood

    Where in the world,would you rather be now?

    Hawai'i, definately! If I could be anywhere else but here right now, I would definately choose Hawai'i. My first time there was back in 98, on a trip my husband won through a contest at his work. I fell in love with it immediatly! Back then we didn't have kids, but since then we have been back...
  5. Rosewood

    My own two cents

    I'm all for that! I think there are ALOT of people out here who would like to see this happen. Not necessarily to bring old episodes back, but simply to get rid of this repetative, boringly predictive, new format. Although it may go against the currant beliefs of SW, kids of all ages like...
  6. Rosewood

    What kind of action will get SW's attention?

    A petition for early SS episodes - please sign While surfing the web for info on early SS episodes, I found this petition aimed at SW already in the works. It is desperately in need of signatures, and any help would greatly be appreciated. If we really want to get our early ss episodes...
  7. Rosewood

    What kind of action will get SW's attention?

    I've concidered this I have considered doing this, but not to long ago another member here tried to do the same thing, and from what I remember, hardly anyone responded. Thats why I've been hesitant to just try to get a petition going and have been trying to find other possible aproaches to...
  8. Rosewood

    This forum is kind of like Sesame Street

    Another character I could possibly be there is one more character I would probably be good as, and thats Barkley. I realy am very kid-loving and playfull at heart. Plus, if anyone ever came around me, simply to be a total annoyance, I could always sit on 'em! :D
  9. Rosewood

    What kind of action will get SW's attention?

    Now, see, that's where my concern has been all along. With all the requests that SW has received (from alot more people than just me) to concider being willing to show older shows, I don't know of a single time that they have come back with any other answer other than their generic one. Before...
  10. Rosewood

    What kind of action will get SW's attention?

    Thanks for straitening that out, Fozzie Thanks, Fozzie, for your very valued response. So let me make sure of something here: your saying that it's actually the sponsors who determine what gets aired and what doesn't? Very interesting! Up till now I have always been under the impression...
  11. Rosewood

    What kind of action will get SW's attention?

    The many avenues of PBS I don't know what its like in other states, but where I live in Utah, we receive 2 PBS - based channels: channel 7, which is the actual PBS representative, and also channel 11 (KBYU) which is a privately owned channel that bases the majority of its programs in the...
  12. Rosewood

    What kind of action will get SW's attention?

    Heres another possibility...... My husband came up with another idea that could possibly save them more $. Have you ever watched "The Tonight Show" and noticed how, sometimes as often as once a month, Jay Leno will simply up and take a week long vacation and simply show re-runs for an entire...
  13. Rosewood

    Some poor assumptions some non Sesame Street fans have made

    I believe his father was a minister I believe I remember it being said, when they aired a story on his life after he died, that his father had been a minister. I do know he was married and had a happy family and a masters degree in child psycology. His early career, however, had actually...
  14. Rosewood

    What kind of action will get SW's attention?

    I good description of what I am getting at would be basically what Noggin put out, but in digitally remastered form, and aired on public telivision. I wouldn't be asking them to change their format of the present SS or to even give up any air time of it; that would be to confusing for todays...
  15. Rosewood

    What kind of action will get SW's attention?

    This may be a question aimed more at people like the moderators and people with connections to Sesame Workshop, but I would also be open for any suggestions from people who are genuinely interested in possibly making some headway here in regards to possibly convincing SW that the old episodes...
  16. Rosewood

    They need to make Elmo's world its own show!

    Who knows this date? This is not necessarily a trivia question, but I'm trying to find out when the "new format" became permenant, as well as "Elmo's World" (as far as Episode # goes). Or mabey a better way of putting it would be "What was the last episode to be made using the "original...
  17. Rosewood

    what classic number segments can you remember?

    Who remembers this one? Here's an animated number segment that was shown in the very first episode of SS. It shows a boy, holding a chalk-board eraser in his hand, with which he begins to just "erase" things, while chanting the following chant to the soft beat of a snair drum. He starts...
  18. Rosewood

    Can you keep a secret?

    What happened?!!! Were you able to hold it, or did you have a "spare pair"?:p
  19. Rosewood

    Parents watching Sesame thread

    LOL! I know what you mean! I need to take that into concideration myself. My kids may be little now, but time fly's by so fast it never ceases to amaze me how fast they grow!