Search results

  1. Fragglemuppet

    Lots of MUP3's, Wanna Trade?

    Sorry Mitchell. I used to have some of those, but no more. I'm now on my muppet music recovery mission that I've been putting off since January because of what a daunting task it would be. I'll start by asking for Kermit Unpigged if anyone's got it? I don't have much muppet stuff at all, save...
  2. Fragglemuppet

    Exciting Upcoming Adventure For Me

    Hey Marty, (Still wanting to type Mary even after all this time, lol)! How exciting that you're coming back to the states! Sorry that you won't be dropping by New York though. So you're not spending Christmas with your mom then? Oh, and speaking of Christmas, we can hardly get a white one here...
  3. Fragglemuppet

    Blissful Birdsong

    Ooh, I love this so far! This is I believe the 3rd story I've read from you, and I and I love your writing! The only thing I'd suggest is a careful read through, as there were some spelling errors, miswordings and such. Not too many, but it was kind of noticeable. Then again, I do always say...
  4. Fragglemuppet

    Dear Muppet Fanfiction Authors...

    Kermit and Walter? Oh my... :concern: I love these letters! Is there any way I could convince you to publish any more? Any way at all? Hmmm? :mad: :flirt:
  5. Fragglemuppet

    Fraggle/Muppet fic: Cooking with Boober

    Oh Kim, I do read your stories, and have grown to love them! I also love, love, love Fraggle-centric stories! The problem is just that I'm not on MC very often these days. :sigh:
  6. Fragglemuppet

    AlittleMayhem's Muppet Drabbles

    Oh, these are terrific! My favorites I think were the first one, and the Jerry Nelson tribute. I also laughed to think of the muppets as MLP fans, some being more laughable than others! :hungry: :sing: :attitude:
  7. Fragglemuppet

    The 'What Song Are You Currently Listening To?' Thread

    Lisa Dancing Light - Point of Balance
  8. Fragglemuppet

    Do You Know/Remember This Sing Along Songs Cassette?

    Sorry, I'd never heard of it 'til now myself. When I saw the title of this thread though, I had to jump in! I've been interested on and off over the past several years in tracking down cassettes I had as a kid in MP3 form. I've managed to get my hands on a couple. If you'd wanted Hop Like a...
  9. Fragglemuppet

    Never Gone Completely

    Well, what can I say that hasn't been said already? Lisa, that was lovely. You've always had quite a connection with Robin yourself! Not in the same way of course, but still, it can't be ignored.
  10. Fragglemuppet

    Lots of MUP3's, Wanna Trade?

    Sesame Street Feever, those Bob McGrath albums are so wonderfully tempting! I'd love Sing Me a Story and the Baby Record, (especially the latter), but I don't think I can play rar files, at least not very easily. I know it's a lot to ask, but is it possible for you to make them available as...
  11. Fragglemuppet

    Non-Muppet MP3 Trade Page

    I can get them... :shifty: What do you need?
  12. Fragglemuppet

    Non-Muppet MP3 Trade Page

    Hi, does anyone have Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame soundtrack? I also recently lost all of my music and don't have much, but just tell me what you want, and I'll try to make it happen!
  13. Fragglemuppet

    Dreams about Muppets...

    I took a nap this afternoon and had a short but awesome, and totally strange, muppety dream. I was listening to music on and a song came on by a Wiccan artest, Kenny Klein, who I don't particularly like though I do have a few of his songs in my library. Anyway, this song was live, and he...
  14. Fragglemuppet

    What other websites are you a part of?

    Admittedly, I used it mostly to try to get votes for the Tv shows in my signature, along with some others, with very limited success. I did comment on some other things as well though.
  15. Fragglemuppet

    What other websites are you a part of?

    What sort of fanfiction do you write? I was also on for a bit. Posted a few times in the forum there.
  16. Fragglemuppet

    What other websites are you a part of?

    Oh yes, I forgot youtube. My name there is The Fragglemuppet.
  17. Fragglemuppet

    A sad happening

    Thanks Kathy and everyone.
  18. Fragglemuppet

    Thread Revivers

    Don't get me wrong. I did enjoy the show TKO, but I never got the pride of being a threadkiller. Surely that's something to avoid? Anyway, I've been both in my life. I was a threadkiller earlier on in my MC career, though never in name, and I also have a great love of pulling up old, abandoned...
  19. Fragglemuppet

    What other websites are you a part of?

    Oh boy, let's see... under the name of EcclecticMe, a site for mostly blind/visually impaired people with the name Kathy Fraggle. TeddyRuxpinonline KathyFraggle. I used to be a member of Mystic Wicks as well! Don't remember my login info though, and the last time I...
  20. Fragglemuppet

    A sad happening

    She was my grandmother's closest sister. We were close, sometimes too close. She just recently spent over a month with us after falling down a couple of our steps and breaking her wrist. She was dificult to live with at times, but she was loving. I remember her being around when my grandmother died.