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  1. F

    What Unpaved episode is going to be playing this Sunday night?

    on what channel is sesame street unpaved and what time is it usually on? ~Dana~
  2. F

    What sketches scared you as a kid?

    was that teeny little superguy? ~Dana~
  3. F

    New Sesame Street fan

    newcomer hey, I'm also a newcomer to this forum. I grew up watching Sesame Street in the 90's but I have just recently come to appreciate it after deeming it "little kid" material. hoping to meet some cool new SS fans on here! ~Dana~
  4. F

    What sketches scared you as a kid?

    scary sketches When I was like 3 years old, I was scared out of my mind of "The Word is No." I remember there being a huge pair of lips on the screen right at the beginning of it and Maria and Gina having really angry faces. I think that made me "afraid" of watching Sesame Street, but I...