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  1. Greg Bevier

    "The Muppets": Audience Reactions

    Well, my wife, who doesn't like the Muppets at all really liked the movie and I, a lifetime Muppet fan only sort of liked it. I'm not sure if that's a good sign or not. I wasn't as touched or excited by it as most people. I thought the first section was really good, but I thought they had too...
  2. Greg Bevier

    Thoughts: A new modern version of THE MUPPET SHOW on Disney Channel?

    I know "new" Muppet stuff hasn't been as creative or successful as "The Muppet Show" was, but I think it would be best to avoid trying to revive TMS and come up with something new. Best to leave the original to our memories and advance. Having said that, I have the three seasons of TMS that are...