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  1. S

    Lots of MUP3's, Wanna Trade?

    I have done some research, and fount that the song that I am looking for is "Magic Garden" as sung by Kermit on the rare "The Muppet Show Music Album " which was released in 1979. Can anyone help?
  2. S

    Lots of MUP3's, Wanna Trade?

    ICIMSUR, you can get "I'm going to go back there someday" (and I think also "can you picture") from the site posted above by pepestarr.
  3. S

    Lots of MUP3's, Wanna Trade?

    I had an Astor Muppet audio tape as a child that contained The Garden Song sung by Kermit (called Magic Garden, I think), but lost it in a fire. I would desperately love a copy of this if anyone is prepared to send me one. Mbork bork bork! SC