Recent content by Dirth Nader

  1. Dirth Nader

    Sixty Seconds Got Together Lyrics

    Thanks heaps for that Joggy. i really appreciate it. You dont happen to know of on mp3 version of it though do you? (even if there is i'd still hunt down the album to support the muppets) And also thank Count for all your help on it, and know you relax a bit more and concerntrate on your current...
  2. Dirth Nader

    Bobby's World, Flintstones, Scooby Doo, Popeye coming to DVD!

    i'd love to have most of the dvd's mentioned here also, but living in australia i would have to import them or buy them from a speciallity store, where'd i'd be paying through the nose for them. I cant even buy TMS dvd's here without having to do the same thing. Timelife Aust has brought out...
  3. Dirth Nader

    Sixty Seconds Got Together Lyrics

    well thats what the kermitage site says. do you know if thats a reliable source?? Songs have been repeated in seperate episodes before... I beleive inchworm & bein' green has been repeated, Muppets seem to like to recycle, but yet make it a little different.... I also checked the same episode...
  4. Dirth Nader

    Sixty Seconds Got Together Lyrics

    I cant believe I found what episode it's from!! I was sooo ready to give up on looking, after searching every episode guide you can think of, and didn't really have the patience to go through every episode one by one on kermitage. After many frustrations i ended up back at kermitage, i thought...
  5. Dirth Nader

    Sixty Seconds Got Together Lyrics

    gee thanks heaps count!! i dont want anybody going out of their way on this though, so i hope it's not too much trouble. i havn't posted on palisades before and actually thought there would be a dirth nadir here already. lucky me i get to use a name now though that combines my two great...
  6. Dirth Nader

    Sixty Seconds Got Together Lyrics

    Anyway, i've been looking for the lyrics to the song "Sixty seconds got together", originally sang by the mills brothers in like 1930something. (Thats about as far as i can manage to get on this conumdrum!!) I heard it on muppet radio and really liked the tune. muppet central has it listed on...