I absolutely HATE IT when people talk all modern-ish (ex. dude, pwn, yay-uh, I'm not feeling it, that's just sad, that's sad, totally ___, etc.), not to mention I hate swearing, too. I'm the only person my age who doesn't swear.
I find it pretty depressing no one pays attention to the fundamentals of proper speech.
Not to mention I don't understand this newfangled "cool" talk (I sound like an old man).
I tend to use "rather"and "quite", and I rarely say "hi"... Instead, I tend to say "hello".
I just noticed. I tend to say "tend" quite a lot.
I also have a habit of talking annoyingly smart and formal, often using so-called "big words". I also tend to say "yah", rather than "yeah".
I love to say random things completely unrelated, so I guess this counts? (e.g, cheese, troll, quack, blah, cluck, etc.)