In this day and age, all I ever hear people say about college is how they complain about what a waste of time it was for them... it seems like with the economy and job market and everything, people don't even care whether or not you have a diploma, your chances of getting a decent job are plenty slim, even if you are a college graduate. I think it was Ryan (not Prawnie, but the other Ryan) who did a lengthily rant thread about how nobody will hire him, even though he has a diploma and is clearly qualified for the job and everything, and I remember my favorite person once told me that college turned out to be nothing but a waste of time for her.
Plus, it all depends on what exactly you plan on going into as far as your career choice goes: there are two kinds of people out there, people who have talent, and people who have skill. Now, if you were going into a field that would require skill, such as the medical profession, or law enforcement, or something like that, then yes, I would agree that college might be a good idea, however, if you're going into something that requires talent, I'm a firm believer in that talent should be put to work and not sent back to school.