Hi! I am making the name of the subject "1-2-3-4-5..6-7-8-9-10..11-12!"-Do you know what that is? It is the SS fan's all-favorite number cartoon-the numberal pinball machine (In case the title was PINBALL NUMBER COUNT). ssetta has told me that #8 is never shown on Noggin, but it was played last season on PBS. I missed that one! But, I, of course, have #6 on video and I get to listen to #4 any Friday after school (in case I don't have homework for the weekend). The only number versions I remember seeing are #4, #6, #7, #9, #11 and #12. For #3, I only heard it on audio, but it's now gone. I also discovered the transcript of #7 on the Sesame Street Lyric Archive. I'm sure if any versions of the number pinball series are shown on few early SS episodes at the Museum of Television & Radio. These are the only memories of the number pinball.