Well, here it is.
It's not even June, it's not even summer, and already summer-like weather's arrived extra early this year: usually weather doesn't start to really heat up to summer-like conditions until Memorial Day, so yeah, it's here really early this year... again, not even June yet, not even summer yet, and the temps have jumped up into the 90s today.
HOWEVER, I have a feeling I'll be able to survive this year: our new place is much more modern than the apartments we've been living in for the past few years, so there's not a lot of gaps and open areas that allow the outside heat to seep in, and I've been able to keep my room relatively cool, at a constant 60-61 degrees at best, so yeah, if I can keep that up for the next four months or so, and NOT go outside if at all possible, then yeah, I should be able to survive this summer.