No no no no no. Trader Joe's is NOT a bulk food store, nor is it all organic (though most of their products are natural, kosher, OR organic in content). It is simply the BEST gourmet food store ever invented. And it's everywhere, just about...
I don't usually plug stores...but this one is worth it. Their prices are quite a bit below what other gourmet/natural foods places go for, and the ones here are usually below regular grocery-store prices, too. They have an amazing sweets section, great cheap wine, fantastic frozen foods...etc. Honestly, you could tell me I couldn't shop anywhere else again for food and I'd be fine with that!
Speculoos are Dutch spice cookies. Cookie butter is ground up cookies, with the consistency of peanut butter. And when robed in chocolate...maaaan.
End plug. I simply cannot stand misinformation, especially about something I adore!