Hollywood has done it again...


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2010
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I don't know what to say about The Three Stooges upcoming movie, Its not praise worthy (yet), not cringeworthy either.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2011
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When I heard there was going to be a Three Stooges movie a while back I was under the impression is was going to be more of a biographical piece on the three (four counting Shemp) mewho performed The Three Stooges. I love the classic Three Stooges bits, but this... not so much. I think the humor really only works for the era they lived in, and we can still watch and appreciate it, but I think for the most part it's lost on today's movie goers. Which sucks.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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That biopic was brilliant and I usually hate biopics. Gave a lot of depth on the performers over their flanderized head bonks and eye pokes.

The only cringe I see with this movie is the TOTALLY unnecessary inclusion of the Jersey Ho's. If it wasn't for that, it seems that... well, they got the low borw humor aspect down pat.

Still, I never cared for the Farely brothers. I LOVE Osmosis Jones, but mostly for the animated segments. That's the only movie they made I found enjoyable. Even Dumb and Dumber was kinda... eh. Out of the first three big Jim Carrey movies, that was the weakest.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2010
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Loved it! I loved how they recreated the Stooges, but there's no comparison to the real Stooges (including Shemp Howard). *hee* xP

So psyched! Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck... <3


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2011
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I really hoped that the original cast rumored for the three stooges movie would have been retained. Benicio Del Toro as Moe, Sean Penn as Larry, and Jim Carrey as Curly would have been great. This...not so much. I do like how they are going to make three inter-connected short films, which shows an appreciation for the format of the original shorts, but I don't know that this looks that promising. I'll withhold total judgement until more details are released though.

Speaking of the next thing Hollywood is going to destroy, has anyone seen the latest trailer for the adaptation of The Lorax? All I can say is yikes.

Speed Tracer

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May 24, 2005
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This movie is infuriating some people, but honestly? All of the jokes in the trailer - except for the iPhone gag and the nun in the bikini - could have been pulled right from sixty-year old routines. I'm not sure what people expected. I'm not saying it looks GOOD, but it just looks exactly like what you might expect a Three Stooges movie to be.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I really hoped that the original cast rumored for the three stooges movie would have been retained. Benicio Del Toro as Moe, Sean Penn as Larry, and Jim Carrey as Curly would have been great. This...not so much. I do like how they are going to make three inter-connected short films, which shows an appreciation for the format of the original shorts, but I don't know that this looks that promising. I'll withhold total judgement until more details are released though.
I disagree on Jim Carrey... I'd hate to see yet another fat suit comedy for one... and Jim's stretched a little too thin, especially since he's making kiddy films (some quite lousy). Will Sasso's pretty good. I'm a fan of his MadTV work, and I swore I saw him play Curly in a MadTV sketch. I'd almost suggest Michael Chiklis (sp?) who did a wonderful job in the telefilm. I don't know about the Larry they got. Not a fan of that guy, but he does sort of look like him. Moe's at least a vocal dead ringer... But like I said earlier, they rarely use the same cast they first announce.

This movie is infuriating some people, but honestly? All of the jokes in the trailer - except for the iPhone gag and the nun in the bikini - could have been pulled right from sixty-year old routines. I'm not sure what people expected. I'm not saying it looks GOOD, but it just looks exactly like what you might expect a Three Stooges movie to be.
Other than some goofy modern crap (I'd see this thing in theaters gladly if it wasn't for the less artful and much dumber Jersey stooges), it is basically a Stooge impersonation production. Let's hope they didn't forget the stooges OTHER claims to fame, the wordplay, those fun old vaudeville (or vaudeville style) performances they did ("NIAGARA FALLS!!") But over all, this is an improvement over some of the other Stooge media we got. This is a classy soulful tribute compared to Three Robonic Stooges... even the animated show from the 60's where they did their own voices (after they had Curly Joe in the group) wasn't quite that much fun.

Mo Frackle

Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2011
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Second trailer for the Three Stooges movie.

Peter Farrlley talks about why he and his brother decided to make the Three Stooges movie.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2011
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I wish they had been able to land the rumored "dream cast" for the Three Stooges movie of Benicio Del Toro as Moe, Sean Penn as Larry, and Jim Carrey as Curly. That would have been something.