Yeah, pardon me for a moment whilst I brag about my new toy from good ol' HP, a dandy little machine that's been a long time coming! Man, I love it! Really snazzy, and the speed! THE SPEED! When Phil changed the forum last summer, MC became slooooow on my old computer, taking anywhere between thirty seconds, to over a minute just for a thread or a page to load, and don't even get me started on watching videos on YouTube... 480p and over was a sick joke, standard 360p quality was choppy after a minute, even 240p was screwed after the XP Security virus got me in December... but now, MC's fast as lightning, as are other sites, and it's so cool to actually be able to enjoy HD/HQ videos on YT! What's not to love about nearly 600GB of diskspace, 8GB of RAM, and 17.3'' screen that properly adjusts to 4:3 resolutions? Such an improvement from my old computer... here, just see the difference for yourself!
Remember when 512MB of RAM was to be impressed with? I'm quickly getting used to Windows 7 as well, though there are some things that made XP superior, like more customizing/personalizing, and apparently my old software and hardware isn't compatible... which is odd, considering I've been using the same screensaver program since the old Windows 95 days (remember those), and it's been compatible with 98, 2000, and XP, but not 7? Neither my printer nor my scanner are compatible with it either, but I still have my old computer to use when necessary, so yeah, it's not that big a deal.
So, close the curtains, lock the doors, make the squeamish look away, because the snowth is back in full force folkses!