Rowlf or Uncle Deadly Replica?


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2011
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Well.. I wouldn't call him a replica..But I have made an Uncle Deadly "Puppet.. I have never gotten a good pic of him up because, like the real puppet, it takes two to three people to operate him..The body is a blue sweatervest that has been shaped to add depth, and the neck is a continuation of this plus a new white tube sock. the head is polar fleece that has been built up to resemble his features...And finally, the mouth doesn't open.. Why? Well, he was a midway project..started out as just a plush head.. but I can operate his nose. I'm more of a Peter-Linz type then a Jerry-Neslon his voice would be aweful...and no offense to Peter Linz if he can do an Uncle Deadly voice:smile:.

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This is him with stuffing in his neck and snout standing in for an arm..The arms are having issues at the moment so i didn't include them in the pic..I'm considering making a new deadly my next big with the accurate furry body and antron fleece head..


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2004
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That's really cool Walter, excellent work! Looking forward to seeing your puppet version.

That said, to MuppetLover I'd say that Rowlf would probably be easier, he's pretty basic with not a lot of detailed foam carving. Whoever you choose, good luck! :smile:


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2005
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That may be the coolest "sock" puppet I have ever seen. Man I wish I was better at making puppets.


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2012
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Wow, nice Uncle Deadly! It really looks like him!

Muppet fan 123

Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2011
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Well.. I wouldn't call him a replica..But I have made an Uncle Deadly "Puppet.. I have never gotten a good pic of him up because, like the real puppet, it takes two to three people to operate him..The body is a blue sweatervest that has been shaped to add depth, and the neck is a continuation of this plus a new white tube sock. the head is polar fleece that has been built up to resemble his features...And finally, the mouth doesn't open.. Why? Well, he was a midway project..started out as just a plush head.. but I can operate his nose. I'm more of a Peter-Linz type then a Jerry-Neslon his voice would be aweful...and no offense to Peter Linz if he can do an Uncle Deadly voice:smile:.

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This is him with stuffing in his neck and snout standing in for an arm..The arms are having issues at the moment so i didn't include them in the pic..I'm considering making a new deadly my next big with the accurate furry body and antron fleece head..
WOW! Can you tell me how you did this? This is so cool!


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2011
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Thanks for all the replies guys!!

Muppet fan 123- Well basicly I was looking around one night...WAY before I joined muppet central and back before I learned Uncle Deadly would be in the new film...I was so excited that the muppets were coming back, that I had to produce my favorite character out of celebration! So I took a blue fleece plush and dismantled it, made some quick sketches, fired up my glue gun, and made a plush took about three hours to get it just right. After I relocated and had a bigger aspirations, I decided "I want to bring Uncle Deadly to life" so I took a nearly new blue vest that my mom never wore(she was okay with me using it!) and I built it into a pear shape with a bump in the front(to give him a 3d-gut look like most muppet posers have) and then..after about 5 iterations, the neck was built using a tube sock and scraps from the sweater...The arms vary, and right now i am using some big gloves and a large button up shirt to perform him...This gives him the ability to wear heavy human clothing...For display, I put him in a muppet whatnot suit..I am considering turning him into a rod puppet..but he works fine right now so maybe not...when I get alot of extra cash I wish to build a perfect deadly replica..Or maybe by then I'll have enough to have a professional do it..Only time will tell!