WOW you are an amazing artist!
I looked over a lot of your artwork (haven't been able to see all of it) and you're quite talented at colouring digitally. Do you use a tablet, by any chance?
Thank you! Yes, I do use a tablet, although I haven't been using it all along. I got a Wacom Bamboo around... oh, I think April or May o'clock, and it's made a huge amount of difference. Not only does my art look better because it's like working with a pen rather than pushing a bar of soap around, I don't get tired because I'm mostly working with my fingers rather than my whole arm, which means that I have more energy to devote to the backgrounds and to finicky textures like Fraggle fur.
That bit was the best use of that awful song I've ever seen. Cracked me up.
A RL friend, when I mentioned that I had that song in my head, told me with great pity that that was the worst song in history. I dunno, I can name a lot of truly awful ones. This song, although it's not great, has a really catchy refrain, you gotta admit. And I love '80s music in any case. It takes me to a happy place. So there.
Hmm... I have a fic coming up in which I have to write a song for a character. I was planning to filk Gilbert & Sullivan for it, but maybe I'll use
We Built This City instead just to be a smartACII.