Paging Drtooth


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2010
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Drtooth, what would you say are the top animated series on T.V. today?

Any overlooked gems?


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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And can I have a new Mackerel Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Drtooth, what would you say are the top animated series on T.V. today?

Any overlooked gems?
Well, I'd say my favorites are

Phineas and Ferb
Regular Show
Adventure Time
Adventures of Gumball
Batman Barve and the Bold (but first, you have to remember the campier 1960's and 70's Batman cartoons and get those thoughts of Batman TAS out of your head... then the true Magic can start)
Scooby-Doo Mystery Inc (Heaven help them if they refuse to make a second season after the cliffhanger they left on)
I give pretty good reguard for the Looney Tunes Show, but it's not for everyone
Mad is BRILLIANT! A million times better than that sad live action TV SNL ripoff, and MUCH closer to the magazine's roots.
WildKratts (especially if you like nature).

I also have to say, American Dad's always better than Family Guy, Cleveland's good too... Bob's Burgers, I enjoy, but it seems like it should be on cable.

I've also liked what I've seen of Venture Brothers (Adult Swim's website... go fig) And I quite enjoyed what I saw of Super Hero Squad, though it was basically 3/4ths of an episode. Archer's really good too, but it's pretty much TV MA. And if anime is your thing, try Toriko. A great 1980's style Shonen Jump throwback where pretty boy characters didn't exist and high action was the key. Sort of a mixture between Fist of the North Star and Iron Wok Jan (which isn't an anime... I know it's a manga). I also highly recommend the anime Baccano, and I'm eternally grateful to the dude that turned me on to that.

Now, I will warn you... I complain about a LOT of stuff, but I have a pretty wide range of stuff I like. I mean, the only cartoons I truly despise are Pokemon type animes (never a fan of that stuff), Street Sharks (the toys were kinda cool, though), and preschool Dora-y stuff. And a lot of stuff from the 70's.

Now, if you're talking about cartoons from every time period, I'd give you such a LONG list, including indie and international animations.

And can I have a new Mackerel Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan?
I can't stop saying "Flanders feeds me People Food" but there's no way Fox would let a YTP of that one stand up for more than an hour. There's a YTP where Robotnik says "Hocks" that somehow intrigues me... but that's not mine.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I'm really surprised at half of what's on your list, considering you've named a number of modern-day CN cartoons, and most, if not all, CN cartoons these days are pure crap.

Sgt Floyd

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Feb 5, 2006
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I was actually surprised at how good Gumball is. I thought I was going to hate it. I mean, I dont love it, but it certainly is interesting.


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May 2, 2008
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I love the art style of Gumball; just the mish-moshing of various styles of animation. Almost like Drawn Together, only here's it's not played for a joke.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I'm really surprised at half of what's on your list, considering you've named a number of modern-day CN cartoons, and most, if not all, CN cartoons these days are pure crap.
No... that's matter of taste stuff. A lot of CN fans who live in the past hate these shows and refuse to give them a chance. If nothing else, PLEASE try out Scooby-Doo. They did a much better job here than What's New Scooby-Doo. And I like WNSD.

But, hey... you want crap, I'll give you crap.

Here are some of the top crappiest cartoons of all time:

Fred and Barney Meet the Thing: Fred and Barney actually MEETING the Thing would be interesting... but instead, we wind up with Thing from Fantastic Four in an alternate universe where Ben Grimm is a complete nebbish, hangs out with various ripoffs of Archie and Fat Albert character types, can summon the Thing by chanting a lame rhyme and putting 2 rings together (wow... power from Rings? What a concept), and the Thing barely shows up at all, except to swing around robots because he can't punch anyone. And did I mention the plot lines are mindblowingly generic.

2002 Strawberry Shortcake: Now, I kinda hate the show anyway since I hate 1980's girly cartoons... but EVERY episode is let's have a very mild party and the show's basically all about getting ready for the party and singing. It's almost as borning as...

My Friend Rabbit: Perfect for preschoolers that like all things drab and dull. Imagine Winnie the Pooh with all the complicated parts and any dramatic tension removed. Now think of something worse than that. At least they don't talk down to kids like...

Super Why: Not touching this one.

Mary Kate and Ashley in Action: You know what's better than cashing in off of the Olsen Twins? Waiting until no one likes them anymore to do a cartoon series.

Cartoons made after bands: Really... in the case that The Beatles and Puffy Ami Yumi are the good ones, you know something's up. Ever try to watch Jackson 5? Great music, horrifyingly bad cartoon series. Cartoons about fictituous bands are always AWESOME... California Raisins, The Chipmunks, the highly underrated lost "The Beagles." But when they do real bands and invent personalities that don't exist... why the heck is Ringo an idiot? Ringo's not an idiot. He's the wacky one, sure... but he was NEVER an idiot. (Ringo's my favorite, can't you tell).

Maxie's World: Did a YTP of this one, and could BARELY watch the episode to do it. How come Barbie never had a cartoon series, and better yet, how come Mattel didn't sue over this one. Why the only girl's fashion doll based cartoon worse than this is...

Bratz: Oh SURE! That NEEDED to be a cartoon. How come they have to force positive female role models on boys cartoons, but girl's cartoon characters can be vapid spoiled princesses. Wendy Malick was a WASTE in this show. Passive agressive bad Barbie parody the villain aside, this is just a bowl of hot sick. And BAD CGI.

Street Sharks: Terrible... terrible cartoon. Bad TMNT Ripoff, at least the toys were good, and the villain concept was kinda cool... but all over, just terrible... Extreme Dinosaurs was actually worse.

Fleischer's Gabby cartoons: Waste of money, waste of talent, waste of time... does anyone you know even remember Gabby?

New George of the Jungle: Animation was actually pretty good. Only thing good about the in name only remake of the show. Gone was the sly humor, replaced by frantic My Gym Partner's a Monkey tone.

Speaking of which...

My Gym Partner's a Monkey.

Lesse what else...

Oh, a good chunk of Hanna Barbera's 1970's cartoons... HATE Amazing Chan and the Chan Clan, Jabberjaw never interested me.. I LOVE Hong Kong Phooey like a child, but everything else was junk... especially the...

Tom and Jerry Show. If you see Jerry with a Bow Tie, steer the HECK away from it. Even Filmation managed to get the show right. Even the movie has some YTP/Internet meme fodder in it... but DON'T EVER watch the Tom and Jerry/Grape Ape/Mumbley Show episodes of Tom and Jerry... and Grape Ape... still don't get it.

Mortal Kombat, the Kiddy Friendly adventures: a PG-13 game... as a cartoon...for kids... where's the GTA cartoon series where they have to fight aliens and not steal cars? Where's the Leisure Suit Larry game where he rides in a van solving G rated Mysteries... where's the Custer's Revenge cartoon where... you can see where I'm going.

Uh... there's a long list... uh

the 1970's Godzilla show... or as I like to call it, the cheap Johnny Quest self ripoff that somehow has Godzilla in it...

Alienators: Evolution continued....

okay... try to tell me it's not a ripoff of Real Ghostbusters.

Go ahead...

Here's the theme song...

Now TRY to tell me it's not a RGB ripoff.

I'm tired, more later...


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2010
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I would watch WildKratts, but I've heard the song can get stuck in your head!

Tried to think of the worst Saturday Morning show ever. So many low points, but I would have to say it was the Richie Rich animated series, just because (for me) it failed to bring across anything that made the comic so special: a "poor little rich boy", no more, a missed opportunity, I guess that was then and this is now: I bet today they would try to dust off the original concept and let it shine (a little!)


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Apr 16, 2002
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HB was in odd shape in the 80's... but not quite the continuous plagiarism of The Archies route they took in the 70's (in the earliest conception, Scooby-Doo was a complete Archies knock off... then they tweaked and reinvented the dog character and history was made). I barely remember Richie Rich, but I did see the cartoon on the Sunday World of Hanna Barbera block. It left no impression on me, I think I liked it, or enjoyed it to some extent... but I can only really remember Fantastic Max and Don Coyote.

Another stinker cartoon was the short lived for a reason NBC animated sitcom Sammy.. but that was so forgettable, I forgot it.

As I've said millions of times, Clutch Cargo is THE worst, but in a Plan 9 from Outer Space so bad it's genius way that you HAVE to watch it. But I'm trying to think of tediously bad.

I RULLY hate this old cartoon short, though...

Nothing clever, funny, or memorable about it. It's essentially every bad 1930's cartoon stereotype rolled up into one.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Personally, I didn't think the Jackson 5ive cartoon was TOO bad, considering it was a departure for Rankin/Bass to do traditional animation, as opposed to their classic, choppy/shoddy stop-motion holiday specials... I think the one thing that killed the Jackson cartoon was they, like others in Saturday morning for some reason, didn't really utilize the laugh track properly.

But I agree that Gabby is not among "the most unfogettable characters" out there. :stick_out_tongue: