It's my hope that this will all go "Newt" on them and destabilize the extreme conservatives until they can be booted out next election cycle. There's a reason why Gingrich The Adulterer has been reduced to a talking head on Fox News Channel.
I really don't want to go the "republicans are evil" route... but so far, they haven't done anything to disprove it. Apparently, there's not enough money to create the same jobs they used as leverage to slither into the White House but there's enough money to artificially inseminate race horses that someone close to someone owns. The very same people who said money wasn't an object when a legacy drove us through a pork barrel project to overthrow the same dictator his pappy put in power because we hated the Iranians so much we sold nukes to them to fund a useless war between commie and right wing drug dealers in South America. And we were too blinded by Freedom Fries to notice, and anyone who spoke up against it was marginalized.
However, every news report has to deal with the loudmouthed dimwits and loonies in the Tea Pity Party that oh so conveniently waited for a Dem to get into office to complain about things. And guess what, they actually had the power to get things done... of course, with a LOT of help of a certain unfair and mentally unbalanced news network.
I find this whole pseudo libertarian movement incredibly selfish. They DON'T care if schools go under, fire departments can't protect them... they just want that teeny weenie bit of money they got off the last ill-advised and purely manipulative tax cuts. They have this "It's unPatriotic to pay taxes" Selfish babyish behavior, and all the while most of them are suckling off the same big government they want to destroy.
Now, PBS is one thing, but if you look at all the cuts they plan, it hurts EVERYONE! We had a bunch of snake oil salesmen come in in the last 8 years, recklessly slash budgets for manipulative political purposes that LEAD us all to have massive deficits leading to painful budget cuts ALREADY all the while letting the big fat "screw America" businesses and the same career criminal CEO's get corporate welfare so they can NOT do their jobs.
I'll say this a hundred times if I must, the first act the Teabagging party did in office was to protect big business tax cuts. They don't care about the same easily manipulated masses that got them into office. They wanted to use them for votes, and tell them it's highly patriotic if you wind up in the street when the same CEOs that stole your jobs and gave them to a foreign dictatorship get even more money for stepping on the little guy. THAT is NOT capitalism. it's a Neocon distopia.
And they're going to pass this because they're carrying on like the most ill-behaved children in the history of mankind and bullying and manipulating everyone with a "government shut down" until they get exactly what they want. Exactly what they want. Wanna know why there's NO bipartisan ship? One side wants it, the other doesn't. Bipartisanship is now "Give the right exactly what they want." And the Cowardly president, afraid of what a bunch of people who didn't want him elected in the first place (remember 2008... remember all the crap that was flung), wants to cater to them, when they're basically scheming to get Darth Romney into the presidential seat. And trust me, Bush was bad, Romney's gonna be worse. he ruined MA. He stole from us, he spoke negatively behind our backs, and spent 90% of his governership trying to run for president. Do we want that running a 10K race let alone for political office?
Face it, the American public was bamboozled, and now we're all going to pay for it.
In closing... remember... bailout with taxpayer money that they have to pay back= Bad. Essentially the same thing, call it a tax cut= Good! YAY Neo-cons!