We're fans, not publicists, so of course we're going to voice our critical perspective. That's what fan forums are all about so please let's remember that. So far everything here has been fairly constructive from people I know are very knowledgeable fans who loooove the Muppets.
That said, I like Walter. For some reason I thought he'd look less humanoid and more like a brown woodland creature. Did I read that somewhere or is that just jumbled in my head?
Unlike Angelo, Walter's face is open and inviting. Just looking at him makes me want to meet this little guy. He's colorful enough to grab your attention, but not too distinct as not to distract from the actual Muppets. He's supposed to be a rung lower than them so this fits. Sure, they could have done better, but this'll do IMHO. Let's just hope he doesn't take too much screen time away from Kermit and the gang.
No Pepe is kind of strange. There is no Rizzo either so maybe they're off on some sort of latte-fetching mission.
I sure hope they rebuilt the Miss Piggy puppet since the Muppets Kitchen version. She's had a blank, stale stare, stiff neck and mushy shaped head for over a decade now. If anyone deserves a star makeover it's the pig. I think the problem with her construction is that they're copying from a copy of a copy rather than going back to the iconic Caper Piggy as a starting point. I have high hopes.
This picture excites me about the Muppets!