Sesame Street Muppet Replicas


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2010
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Hey guys, do you think in the near future(or far future), Sesame Street Muppets will have a replica line?

And if so, what Sesame Street Muppets would you like to own?

Personally, I would love to get my hands on an Ernie and Bert Replica Puppet.


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2008
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I personally doubt we will ever see a replica line for Sesame Street, though I would love it if we did. I would love to have an Oscar replica. I so want to get one of those animatronic Oscars, but my wallet just will not let me. After an Oscar replica, for me would come either Grover or Cookie Monster next. And then maybe Bert and Ernie after, and that woud suffice for me. Of course Big Bird would trump everyone of them, but realistically speaking I would never be able to afford or fit anything like him.


Sep 1, 2009
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-Cookie Monster
-The Count
-Bert and Ernie
Also I just recently Suggested to efx to make elmo and oscar!
I suggest u head on over to there website and do that to!
Also tell them to have Repoter Kermit's mike removable and not to caharge to much for them or not everbody can afford them.
I also to;d them that The Muppet replicas should have remvovable clothing and they could makeem extra clothes for them down the line, you should to!:grouchy::batty:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I personally doubt we will ever see a replica line for Sesame Street, though I would love it if we did. I would love to have an Oscar replica. I so want to get one of those animatronic Oscars, but my wallet just will not let me. After an Oscar replica, for me would come either Grover or Cookie Monster next. And then maybe Bert and Ernie after, and that woud suffice for me. Of course Big Bird would trump everyone of them, but realistically speaking I would never be able to afford or fit anything like him.
Yeah, the Muppet replica line was very much a vanity line. Even though they went down in price sharply at one point... there's always that air of "what am I going to do with it?"

These would be great, but I'd rather see something along the line of a high quality plush line that tries as hard as possible to make the characters look right. Like the Macy's Grover. But with fur that matches their Muppet versions. Too many times have I seen bald, Twiddlebug looking Cookie Monsters. I want one that's fuzzy. not furry... no need for fur overkill, just fuzzy.

That said, what I'd REALLY want is a collection by collection series of artisan sculpted detailed Sesame PVC's, featuring, let's say boxes of 4, with 2 popular characters, one middle range popularity character and one obscure one.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2009
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-Half Big Bird Puppet (From Head to Armpit)
-Cookie Monster
If a Company is Reading this, Please get the License, Refrence Pictures, The ACTUAL MUPPETS For you to Model off of and Sell these thing's.. They would be a BLAST if They Started selling these at Toys R Us and Walmart.. For the Puppets they should atleast be $92.. We should create a Muppet Version, Because Pepe and Rizzo popped Up in my Mind Just now.. PLEASE CREATE THESE! YOU WOULD MAKE MILLIONS! Thanks.. Bye..


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I don't see a Sesame replica line ever happening.

The Classic Muppets are a group of characters that appeal to all ages - though many could argue they're "childrens" characters, those behind the Muppets have always maintained they're for adults first.

Sesame, though it's easy for people in general (and Muppet fans especially) to forget is a preschooler's show. The flip side to the Classic Muppets - a show for kids adults enjoy as opposed to a show for adults kids enjoy.

True, there have been products made for the adult fan but a replica line just wouldn't work. The kids would see them and not understand they're not "toys". Adults would spend a large amount of money on them and their children, younger relatives, or friends' kids would want to play with them and either be told no making everyone upset or they get their grubby mitts on them dirtying them up or somehow messing them up or destroying them. Plus all the kids who see them and the concept that they're too much money or not toys for them to play with won't register in their "gimme" mentality. It's a recipe for disaster.


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Palisades proposed line of reasonably priced figures for ages 12 and up would have flown off the shelves. There is no doubt in my mind that upscale limited edition Sesame merchandise would do big business, but many companies are too blind to the opportunities. Posers are another matter. This is something that is widely frowned upon with the Henson people until Disney bought the Muppet Show characters and amazingly permitted posers as long as they weren't puppets.

I doubt Sesame Workshop or the Henson Company would want to make replicas of any sort and I understand their concern. They want these characters to be exclusive to their performances and not accessible to anyone with a few hundred dollars. They don't want unauthorized appearances of an authentic looking Ernie popping up on YouTube. You can imagine that some people would take that too far. Parody is one thing with a Fisher Price puppet, but something completely different when the design appears to be legitimate.

Nonetheless, fans like us will always want authentic Muppet puppets and posers on the market and would gladly snatch them up if it ever happened, but that’s just not likely.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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There is no doubt in my mind that upscale limited edition Sesame merchandise would do big business, but many companies are too blind to the opportunities.
That really bugs me. It really was a shame that the Palisades line never happened due to perhaps the most unfortunate timing possible (I wish somehow they could have at LEAST managed to keep it going long enough to get series 1 on the shelves... I could have done without the parody record accessories myself). But other than that, we really get nothing but T-Shirts. Sure, 5 years ago, Gund released those smaller plush figures of Guy Smiley, Sherlock Hemlock, The Yip Yips and a Super Grover... all we got out of the 40th anniversary were Target exclusive Fisher Price Plush... the only fan favorite being a wrong colored Honker... but Danged if it wasn't the best Count von Count I've ever seen.

I want something middle range. Not very high scale collector, but not more of their kiddy stuff. I feel Mattel FAILED miserably with the 2 figure Sesame Packs in only having 3 sets, reusing figures, and giving them a ridiculous price range of 8 bucks... I would love to see some sort of buddy pack series of new figures, but marry a classic character to a current favorite... say, Elmo with Guy Smiley or Cookie with Forgetful Jones. Maybe Hasbro can do that... heck, they made making background characters in Star Wars even the hard core fans forgot about into buddy packs marketable. Even some lesser known Marvel characters are in buddy packs. And Kids still buy them. I think that's the best we could really ask for from them. Though, I hope they're not stylized....