You know... I'm gonna have to give Star the benefit of the doubt here, and say I don't think trouble was meant to be caused. DW and SSLfan have both summed it up. I think the problem is that Star heard second hand rumor, and posted it here thinking it was news. I don't think Star meant to cause any harm or rile up the fan base with baseless accusations... it would be completely out of character for Star to do so.
If it were a new member that just signed up saying random things, that would have been an obvious sign... but this is a member, as DW and SSLfan said who never caused trouble, and basically says things only when the poster feels it needs to be posted. I just wanna say where's the source too... No one's mad at you, Star... we just wanna know where you heard it.
Thanks Drtooth. You & DW are the only one's making sense around here.
StarrFilter's post was unverifiable, inflammatory, and -- even if it had some basis in fact, clearly biased against Steve. ("X's contract was terminated," for example, would be a factual statement. "X was fired for being a diva" is an opinion.)
I post under my own name and I take responsibility for my own comments. StarrFilter's other posts don't change the fact that this message constitutes unsubstantiated rumor-mongering. (And even if they did, being an authority on Sesame Street Live, which is produced independently from Sesame Workshop, hardly lends credence to his source, if indeed he has one.)
What kills me is everyone is judging him based on this one post, yet you have not gotten to even know the guy as a person. And since SSL is in close ties with SW, a company Steve Whitmire work(ed) for, it is possible to obtain such information.
Since you called me out by name, it's worth pointing out that I'm not one of the people who've made those assumptions. And again, since I'm the only member you mentioned in your post, I'm not sure how I could be "ganging up" on anyone.
FYI genious, I wasn't referring to you directly. I clearly said YOU'VE ALL, which means the general public, not just you. And the reason I only mentioned you in the post was a) I wasn't about to rat out other members and b) your post was very rude, uncalled for, & the perfect example of the point I was trying to make.
What I think is really fascinating is how you feel the need to defend a pseudonymous forum user for propagating negative gossip about a Muppeteer, but don't care at all about the Muppeteer whose reputation is being defamed.
That's right...and I will CONTINUE to defend him. He's a cool guy & a good friend of mine around the forums, one of the few who actually has something in common with me & we both are able to discuss a topic & know what the heck eachother is talking about! And he wasn't "propagating negative gossip about a Muppeteer", he was just giving some info that he thought us as
fans would like to know. You've all been saying these past weeks "Someone has to say something", "I hope we know what's happening with Steve", etc., and yet when someone finally posts something you all complain & get out the pitchforks and say "That's not true!".
Oh...before I go on, that last sentence was not aimed directly at you.
And as far as me not caring about the guys reputation blah blah blah, I'm a fan of Steve Whitmire's work as much as the next guy(particurarly as Ernie), and at the end of the day I'm a sad Muppet fan if this guy has left the Muppets for
whatever reason. Saying that I don't care is an insult to me as a fan. And if he did leave because he wanted more money, hey - the guy's human. As heralde said, there's nothing wrong with someone asking for more money.
And I wish him luck on whatever he does.
I can defend every word of my 'immature' post, including the incendiary words which you take such great offense to. But the larger point my post made is that StarrFilter has no right to smear the reputation of a Muppet performer simply because he claims to have what is clearly one-sided information from some anonymous snitch.
He wasn't trying to smear the guy's reputation. Most of everyone took offense when he quoted "diva" in his post, while when he was typing that, he probably didn't mean nothing by it. You all act like he commited murder. Give him a break.
The truth isn't a democracy. It's not OK to drag this man's reputation through the mud.
This StarrFilter's post was horrible, inflammatory and IS one of the few examples of a violation in MC Forums policy. However, I hope it's not edited because it exposes more about that particular member than it does about Steve, Sesame Workshop, Disney or the Muppets.
Before I began, this has nothing personal against you frogboy4, since I really enjoy hearing your thoughts on things. I hope you understand that.
Okay, now this was what I was exactly talking about. Everyone is judging him off of one post. Have you yet to get to know Starrfilter more than just off of this? No. Everyone sees this one post and thinks "Omg this guy needs to be kicked out he's gossiping about pure garbage blah blah..."
I could care less about him not providing the source, since the majority of people have bashed him and called him names. I'm sure he's even reluctant to post that piece of info.
In the end *nobody* here really knows what's going on but Steve and the Disney execs.
When it boils down to it, yes. I will continue to believe Starr, however, will believe it more when (if) he ever confirms the source, though I doubt he ever will with all this negative feedback.
I tried so hard not to get involved in ANY of this mess, even before the Starrfilter incident, but I'm sick of it all. A time when we should be celebrating for all the new Muppet things coming out, we're here arguing about where's Steve. This is a headache.