PRAWNIE: Thank goodness Beau wasn’t mopping up out here. These shoes are slick enough as it—(slips on the floor and falls) …Here’s The Count.
(Applause) (THE COUNT enters onstage, played in by organ music)
THE COUNT: Ah, greetings! I am the Count von Count! Look at all of you out there in the audience! Now… I shall count you all! One by one! Ah! Ah! Ah! One, one audience member! Two! Two audience members! Three! Thr—
ANNOUNCER: Count… read the teleprompter.
THE COUNT: (snaps fingers) Rats. They never let me have any fun. The contenders for the “Like a Stake Through My Thread” award for Best Thread Killer are…
Ah! That’s five! Five vonderful contenders! Ah! Ah! Ah! (Thunder and lightning) And the vinner out of those five is… the one, one and only
ANNOUNCER: In an odd turn of events… wwfpooh, a member who is not even employed at T*K*O takes the award.