Are Kermit and Piggy married?


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
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I think they are married, after all these years it seems at least they have a common law one :3. But I think of the movie marriage as real anyway :smile:.

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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I actually posted a response to the married question from Karen Falk at the JHC Archives that stated they side with the Frog: Kermit and Piggy are not married. Kermit has also been quite direct in his responses since that film that they are not married.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Luckily Piggy has been quite direct in her responses since the film...That they are married.

Pity that, because she's a woman and a diva, she is more obviously assumed to be the missinformant in the case. Or perhaps because she told the Tounge Magazine she was engaged for years and it wasn't true...her reputation precedes her.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
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I actually posted a response to the married question from Karen Falk at the JHC Archives that stated they side with the Frog: Kermit and Piggy are not married. Kermit has also been quite direct in his responses since that film that they are not married.
*lol* But he says it so often that you have to wonder...They have been dating so long that they pretty much are married though :\. At least, they never date anyone else, so they might as well be :excited:


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2006
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I've paid a lot of attention to Kermit and Piggy's relationship, past and present, on account of the fact that it fascinates me. I'm aware that Piggy herself has, on rare occasions, implied that they're not married, and that the official company line is that they aren't married.

However... I do absolutely believe that wedding was real, and that Jim Henson himself intended on having the marriage be real. His untimely death really muddled things on that account, sadly. Well, that was sad for many many reasons, the effect on Kermit and Piggy's relationship being one of the least important.

I believe in the wedding, not just because of the wedding itself, but because of the publicity leading up to the wedding, and the aftermath of the wedding, all of which very much implied it was real.

Even Kermit has not been perfectly consistant in denying the marriage, and there are interviews out there from before Jim's death where he seems to be settled into married life. The first example that pops into my mind being his announcing that Piggy "is an interesting sight in lingerie." I also remember the screen test from the muppet movie, which admittedly was before the wedding itself, which even makes me wonder if they weren't married BEFORE MTM... but that's a totally different area of speculation. I don't really want to write a whole essay on the subject at the moment... but I could.

I DO have a semi written fanfic on the subject of the effect Jim's death had on Kermit, and Piggy. I'll post it, if I ever finish it.

And, I'm really rambling here. Sorry 'bout that.

I agree completely with the theory that Piggy may well have agreed to back off on the married talk in return for Kermit backing off of the professional relationship joke.
I'd also like to point out that Kermit is, in a fictiony sort of way (and why shouldn't I talk like that... we all are. Technically, they are puppets, if you want to stay out of imagination, and don't even know they exist, or anything else.) in charge of the company. He sold it out from under her nose (and what a nose!) as she complained at Muppetfest. Naturally, they would toe the frog's line.

I guess it's ultimately up to you what you'd like to believe about their relationship. Personally, I think the frog, as sensible as he seems, is more delusional than the pig ever was. She has, at the least, been more honest about her feelings than Kermit has about his own. (That he has feelings for her at one point or another, at least, is pretty hard to deny... and he has.) I think the biggest disservice the company ever did the muppets, and the muppets ever did themselves, was making Piggy into a clown. She is certainly bigger than life and overwhelming at times... but she's still a muppet, and she still has a good heart, worthy of respect. When the other muppets, Kermit especially, started treating her like an embarassing relative at a party, instead of with a kind of respectful teasing as there is between family and friends, then the world lost respect for them too. Not just Piggy... but Kermit. Hardly good for their popularity.

Of course, what with reality shows being so popular, maybe the days when respect counted for something in celebrity are dead.

I hope not, though, as I think they are finally back on track with the Muppets, and Kermit and Piggy's relationship. There's hope in the air, and it thrills me.

Suntan lotion... a Caribbean vacation for two. (Piggy would NOT be so pleased with that trip if they wereen't going alone!) They seem more than just flirting. It's an established relationship that feels very real, at least to me, and not like acting. (But then, Kermit's denials have felt more like shyness or acting to me.) That's a biiiig shift and I very much have felt like SOME change was coming. I wasn't sure whether it would be this way, or the oppostie way... them being just friends now. I much much prefer this way. Hooray! And I don't believe it's going away anytime soon. I think a lot of fans have gotten very tired of the "he says she says" thing, and I think Disney has heard that. I think this is a planned change, and I think that's why Kermit had a little psychology session with Dr. Phil. (Otherwise, it seems like an odd choice of show to plug the special) In any case, I'm very very happy about it.

So much for not writing an essay... admittedly, it's not thorough OR organised and so I wouldn't get a good grade. I'm enjoying this discussion though, so hopefully at least some of it will be thought-provoking.


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2005
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I've paid a lot of attention to Kermit and Piggy's relationship, past and present, on account of the fact that it fascinates me. I'm aware that Piggy herself has, on rare occasions, implied that they're not married, and that the official company line is that they aren't married.

However... I do absolutely believe that wedding was real, and that Jim Henson himself intended on having the marriage be real. His untimely death really muddled things on that account, sadly. Well, that was sad for many many reasons, the effect on Kermit and Piggy's relationship being one of the least important.
Muppets take Manhatten was filmed in 1984.Jim Henson died some 6 years later, in 1990.So there was plenty of time to work things out.kermit said in an interview not long after, that it was only a movie.Personally, I think it is more fun to see them perpetially dating, than them settling down.As the saying goes, the best way to ruin a friendship is to get married!


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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I'm not sure the Muppets really have a concept of canon. They're more like the old Vaudeville skits or '30s comedy films, where you have the same characters in completely different circumstances each time (married then not married, cops then robbers etc).

I like to think they were married in MTM, especially since there was the cut scene that shows they were intending that. But that doesn't mean they're married in every other production. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
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What did they say on The Fantastic Miss Piggy Show? I thought that both addressed it on there to sort of clear the air about where they were at at that point.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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What did they say on The Fantastic Miss Piggy Show? I thought that both addressed it on there to sort of clear the air about where they were at at that point.
I don't recall it being mentioned; just that there was clearly some romantic connection (and tension since Piggy was flirting with George Hamilton).

Piggy does call him "Hubby" in the 30th anniversary special though, hehe.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I'm not sure the Muppets really have a concept of canon. They're more like the old Vaudeville skits or '30s comedy films, where you have the same characters in completely different circumstances each time (married then not married, cops then robbers etc).
In many ways their movies are similar to that, kinda like the old Carry On films. However, with Muppet Movies there's always been two layers...The film, and the actors, who sometimes break out of character (think Duck pond fight in GMC). And the question is whether the Actors Piggy and Kermit are married. Sure, they can appear unmarried in another storyline or movie...But are they married behind the scenes?

Kinda like asking if the actors of the Carry On films, though they appeared flitatious on screen, were actually married.