...Tell me again... what was wrong with this special?
Indeed. Somehow as much as everyone is disappointment in this special, I'm (and I'm not trying to be argumentative here) disappointed in Muppet fan dom acting like this was the worst project in Muppet history.
What I can't wrap my head around how the same exact people who called this "watered down" are the same people that complained about VMX and OZ being "Jaded." Sure, it was kiddy, but you know what? What the heck were you expecting with a plot line about giving Santa Claus letter? Fozzie getting into a drunken barroom brawl and Kermit having to single handedly stop 1980's style Russian terrorist?
I think I'm the only one that sees trace elements of the old films and projects then... no one started saying "Oh Boy! I'm going to go buy Pokemon with Paris Hilton before I watch Spongebob with Rickey Martin!" They kept the gags on a clearly muppety flowing level. No hard and fast hitting Simpsons/Family Guy style jokes like the last 2 specials. You have time to take them in, actually.
Don't get me wrong, I love VMX too, but don't forget the nightmarish, schizophrenic quality of OZ. I mean, that entire movie looked even bleaker and more frightening than the world without Kermit in VMX. And the Muppets actually
starred in this one, and were seen throughout the special.
I also have to say, it's NOT a film... it's a special. It's too short to be a film... which is obviously the main problem with the film. Yes, it was like watching a movie that was overedited for broadcast. Scenes screamed "Truncated." When they got to the North Pole, the movie was over 75% over. There wasn't even room for a nice Santa's Workshop scene.
Though, there are a few things I would have done different.
- I would have cut the "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" flying letters opening and made the opening of the film the song they sang while standing in line. That's the only scene I hated.
- While I liked the airport scene, I would have changed it so instead of having to grab hold of the wing of the plane, Bunsen and Beaker somehow assisted them
- They shouldn't have just had those 5 characters going to find Santa. The North Pole scene, I will admit, was empty without the other characters.
- The other muppets should have found a way to get to the North Pole .
That said, I know where Herald is coming from. I liked that scene for one, but I felt it was totally unnecessary. And ethnic stereotype or not, the real problem with those two is that they're going to be type cast for the rest of their careers as mafiosos or wise guys. Plus, we can chalk it all up to the fact that the Russian Mafia and the Yakuza (Japanese Mafia) aren't mainstream popular with the US.