Cameo spots you loved, yay! (and hated, booo!)


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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With all this talk of Angelina Jolie possibly starring, or appearing, in the new Muppet film, I thought it was worth discussing the people we loved and hated in the old films when they cameoed.

The guy who has most stuck with me since first seeing the movies is The Owner (of El Sleezo) in TMM. James Cann? I think? He was the one cameo that has stuck with me forever.

The one I most hated, from that movie also, was Bob Hope as the ice cream man. (And what was with the discontinuety {sp?} in that scene?)


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May 2, 2008
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Being a fan of Oscar the Grouch (hence the username), I liked his cameo in GMC. I also liked Edagr Bergen's cameo in TMM, sadly, it was his last film appearence.

I don't think there's any cameo I didn't like, maybe Brad Garett's in TMTM though.


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Apr 13, 2002
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Oh, Beau how can you hate the Bob Hope TMM bit? I loved it as a kid, but yeah, the ice cream changing colors is odd. Litmus Cream or Mood Ice Cream to change colors depending on how you feel. That would cool.

Favorite Muppet cameo:
Orson Welles making Kermit rich and famous in TMM.

Least favorite Muppet cameo:
Carson Daly in VMX. Not technically a Muppet film, but man I just don't like the guy - plus he's just so stiff-acting.

Favorite Muppet movie Co-Star Actor:
Tie: Charles Grodin in GMC/ Tim Curry in MTI

Least favorite Muppet movie Co-Star Actor:
Tie: Kevin Bishop in TMT - The falsetto singing voice makes me cringe every time. That almost ruins an otherwise fantastic movie.
Ashanti in MWOZ. She was so vacant, lifeless and brought nothing to the role another singer wouldn't have.

I do have to note Michael Caine's fantastic job in MCC.


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Oct 3, 2006
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Best: Peter Falk in GMC. I use3 to have his whole monologue memorized when I was in kindergarten and would walk up to kids and recite it whether they wanted to hear it or not.
Worst: John Cleese, also in GMC. I know a lot of you love the Neville/Dorcas scene, but I am not one of them. What do I care about a married couple whose marriage is clearly on its last leg trudging uncomfortably through a boring dinner? Total waste of time and the worst part of the movie, IMO.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Worst: John Cleese, also in GMC. I know a lot of you love the Neville/Dorcas scene, but I am not one of them. What do I care about a married couple whose marriage is clearly on its last leg trudging uncomfortably through a boring dinner? Total waste of time and the worst part of the movie, IMO.
It's British Humor. It's sort of like awkward humor, and clearly where The Office has its roots.

Personally, I have to discount any other muppets from any other cameos. That would be too much of a cheat to add them.

Anyway, for Favorites-
TMM- Steve Martin, Richard Prior, Madeline Kahn, Mel Brooks and especially Carol Kane (that was her as the Myth, right?)
GMC-John Cleese. not to razz on you, but it really is a shame we didn't have any other Pythons work with the muppets.
MTM- Dabney Coleman and Gregory Hynes. Anyone else I kinda forget.

MCC and MTI- There WERE no human cameos.

MFS- hard one... there really weren't too many good cameos. F. Murray Abraham did a good job, as did Kathy Griffen (though I'm not a fan of her work outside of this film, her Seinfeld appearances, and her voice as Alice on the Dilbert cartoon)

VMX- Mel Brooks. It wasn't technically a cameo, but I'll count it. I also liked William H Macy (shame he didn't have any scenes with the muppets), mathew Lillard (so help me, I thought he was funny), and Triumph the insult dog.

Oz- hard one. I liked David Allen Greir's 3 seconds in the film. And I really liked Jeffery tambor's role as the wizard. And In all honesty, Quentin Tarrentino's bit was the best part of the movie.

now for WORST

TMM- hard to say. They were all really good. Same for GMC and MTM
MTI and MCC- I already said they had nobody in there.

MFS- You know, I used to not like the Hulk hogan bit, but it grew on me. I always liked the Hulkster, myself. But the fact they had Rob "why the heck does he have a career" Schnider in the film drops the quality down a hundred pegs. And I also hated the Dawson's Creek bit too.

VMX- Wow... I'd say Kelly Rippa. I didn't like the Scrubs bit at first, but now I think it's pretty cute. Though I think the whole thing adds to the fact it's a TV movie. But I hated Joe Rogan being in it. And while it doesn't count, the reference to the Crock Hunter was lame.

Oz- Wow... just wow.... I'll say Kelly Osborne. I usually like Chubby dark goth type girls like that... but no. No Osbornes.

And for the sake of it- Co stars....
basically everyone from TMM-MTI..... Loved Charles Durning, Charles Grodin and Tim Curry the most.

I also liked Jeffy Tambore in both MFS and (as I stated) Oz.

but for ones I didn't like. Well, clearly lil miss I can sing but not act in Oz. And that effeminant kid from MTI. He didn't work for me. "Long John Silver. i HATE you! And if I see you again, I shall scream and scream." Not really feeling it. And I still think it would have worked just as well with Robin in the role.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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If I may, briefly, defend that John Cleese scene...I laugh so hard everytime I see it. And the reason is, because it's as true as the day is blue. If it was just by itself it would be just strange, but because it was coupled with Piggy climbing up the outside of the building...hilarious, truely.


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Apr 13, 2002
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John Cleese is pure genius in that role. It appears to be loosely based on his character in Fawlty Towers. Now that I think about it I'd put his cameo in GMC above Welles in TMM just because he's so brilliant and has a bit more (deserved) screen time. His Muppet Show is one of my favorites as well. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Thought I'd go through all the movies, as some people have, so...

TMM Best: As I said, El Sleezo owner.
TMM Worst: Bob Hope

GMC Best: John Cleese (or the man beside the pond "Looks like it's raining bears and frogs..."
GMC Worst: Hard to find someone bad in this, but, let's say the truck driver...(On another note, was the guy who fixes Gonzo's nose famous?)

TMTM Best: Was there a good cameo role in this movie? - I'd go with the makeup lady (forgive me for not knowing everyone's names :stick_out_tongue:)
TMTM Worst: Hard to say, but maybe the "Keep the skates," guy.

MCC Best: Obviously, Michael Caine deserves a huge mention...but I never really concidered him to be starring in a Muppet movie, more the otehr way around, they were starring with him.
MCC Worst: The worst character must have been the "When love is gone" woman...I think it would have worked better if she still got to actually sing her just seems strange without it.

MTI: Tim Curry is simply fantastic in this movie, and in terms of a tiny role that needs mentioning, Big Fat Ugly Bug Faced Baby Eating Bridget O'Brian :stick_out_tongue:

MFS Best: Shelly Snipes, maybe. Or the guy who gets "Mind Misted."
MFS Worst: Shelly Snipes, maybe. Or the guy who gets "Mind Misted."

VMC Best: Mmm...pretty much everyone was fantastic. I know people don't like Carsen Daily, but his cameo was cute and in place. But the Scrubs bit was just fantastic. "Canned..."
VMC Worst: Mathew Lillard...*shiver* Great character though.

Mwoo Best: Quinten Tarentino baby!
Mwoo Worst: Kelly Ozbourne (Sidenote: My little sister (aged 12) got a chance to meet with a BBC producer yesterday, and was asked to be part of a panel who choose various bits of content for BBC Kids and Teens tv and radio etc, but anyway, she was asked what she thought of the website and the first thing she said was "Well...this woman looks a bit depressed and kinda brings down the website." and pointed to Kelly O with no idea who she was :stick_out_tongue: LOVE it.)

In terms of starring roles, I adore Joan Cusak's as Bitterman and also Lady Holiday was just fantastic. Nicky Holiday was very sinister, I felt, in the way he interacted with Piggy. I think she was actually afraid of him.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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TMTM Best: Was there a good cameo role in this movie? - I'd go with the makeup lady (forgive me for not knowing everyone's names :stick_out_tongue:)
TMTM Worst: Hard to say, but maybe the "Keep the skates," guy.
You're referring to Joan Rivers and Gregory Hines respectively. yeah, Joan was fantastic there, and you can tell sshe was having a load of fun.

MCC Worst: The worst character must have been the "When love is gone" woman...I think it would have worked better if she still got to actually sing her just seems strange without it.
Uh, you realize that's Scrooge's girlfriend and former fiance? that was a very important plot point in the story. Not a fan of that scene, but there's no way it can be left out.