...Actually i think the alien in the beanie that was the spokesfigure for Quisp (MAN do i ever miss Quisp!) was the alltime coolest but Count Chocula was right up there (i liked Boo Berry a little better though)...when i was a kid Morgan Freeman's Dracula on Electric Company always reminded me of Count Chocula (and made me hungry for it too!)...course if we're including non-animated characters, you can't get cooler than Swedish Chef
Seriously though, this is a subject that's close to my heard (or hot button if you will) being someone that's gone from having his abs be his best physical attribute in his teens to having ballooned up to 50 pounds overweight due to the double whammy of his metabolism catching up with him and having been hit hard with a number of personal tragedies in the last decade (and already being prone to severe depression on top of that). Being a gay male doesn't help much either since the community (at least in AZ) is horribly looksist and it's near impossible to walk into a gathering of other gay people without feeling they're all looking down at me when i enter the room. (I call being overweight like being "the ultraviolet part" of the rainbow - even though the gay community has adopted the rainbow as its symbol due to the diversity it represents, we all like to pretend that the parts we can't see - or don't WANT to see - are part of a rainbow too...infrared and ultraviolet)
At any rate, i've always been hyper aware of media representations of both weight and beauty in general. For a brief amount of time with so many notable media personalities obviously dealing with severe extremes of skinniness (where you couldn't ignore that they had an eating disorder) there was a short moratorium on the attitude of Skinny is Desirable in the overall media - but it was very shortlived and now it even seems to be embracing the extreme bulemia look sad to say. Yes the maker of diet products and health food are the leaders of this pack but it's always interesting to see how much the rest of the media picks up on this and runs with it or distances itself from it.
Too bad we don't live in the olden days where girth was more desirable since it was a sign of wealth (it signaled you were able to afford to eat well) - interesting that we haven't actually got a little back to that considering Bush's economy!
Songwriting has been one of my skills that i've really gotten away from over the years, but for the longest time, i've had in my head the beginnings of a song that was a response to a major long-running ad campaigns that one of the beer companies (Bud?) has had in the gay community - where a group of way-too-good-looking people are all gathered together having a good time (none of them even approaching average looks and certainly not weight) with the tagline "Be Yourself" - i've been wanting to write a song for a long time called "Be Yourself (As Long as You're Like Me)" as a satirical look at that campaign, which is very emblematic of Madison Ave in general (and very offensive to the gay community - so many people try to target "gay consumers" by placing ads featuring shirtless himbos - regardless of what they're advertising; dental products, apartments, insurance...) To me that just offends me and makes me want to boycott their product more than support it because it says to me that they (a) are doing further damage to a community that has to struggle enough for acceptance from without but often eats itself further within (b) thinks of us as people that are just hormones and no brains, and that that's the best way to appeal to us (c) if they need to get us to buy their product by putting some himbo in their ads rather than emphasize what makes their actual product good, automatically says to me that the product must not be that great since they need the smoke and mirrors.