Hello, i'm Nathan Davey. I'm a Writer, Actor & puppeteer. I'am also creater of YouTube's "Monster Street Presents". and i would like 2 devlope a stage musical adapton to "Fraggle Rock" and once written i'll ask the Jim Henson Company 2 liesence it as a offical Jim Henson Musical. the musical will use the show's orignal songs, the story is very loosely basted on the episode"The Change of Addresses" mixed with other mini stories. the uncle travelling matt bits will be done on a over head screen and will be filmed in the local area of where the show's being performed, including the song "All Around the world" i'm not sure if it'll be "Avenue Q" style puppetery or costumes. but before i start 2 write it i want your view on this. what do u think?