My Thoughts on Design and Materials:
For these pieces to be true replicas they would be built with materials that would eventually degrade and require much more individual attention that isn't possible with this number of units. That means changes must be made. Disney surely wouldn't allow substances that would likely degrade over the span of a couple years, but neither are they likely interested in finding the best alternative. They'll be happy with the simplest alternative price and time-wise rather than true elegance. That's just how it goes with such companies.
As fans and collectors of these it is important for even-handed critical reviews to get back to the company. Parts that work, parts that don't. Again, there is no way for these to be totally true photo replicas on the market, but that doesn't mean they can't be better. The true question is how to salvage the best design that the majority of fans and collectors would approve? It’s not “trashing” the product to mention these failings even after changes cannot be made. It can help the company improve the next product.
I’ve said it before – there really does need to be a better way of communicating these thoughts to Master Replicas. I have a feeling that once the prototypes leave Terry’s hands some rather unfortunate edits are made. I’m certain edits are necessary, but just how they are handled is very much the debate.
The folks around here have done such a good job and I know it could be of help to Master Replicas in the future.