My Thoughts: Disney's Muppets


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2007
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I would agree with Dwayne on this. I am certainly no ardent supporter of Disney, and I think that they have not given the Muppets the place of honor they deserve. However, IMO it is pointless to bicker on about it. We know the situation is not/has not been great for the Muppets. However, there are things in the works, such as the Dark Crystal sequel (yes, I know that's not disney, but it is JH). There may be other things that we are not yet aware of.

I would just advise all to please keep a cordial, friendly attitude regardless of your feelings on the Muppets. This forum should be a place for reflection and sharing. There's nothing wrong with healthy debate, but we won't achieve anything by agonizing or antagonizing others. (that's just a general note to all).

Remember how JH would have looked at it... with patience.

:smile: :smile:


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2006
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I've said it before, and I'll say it again. LOVE EVERYBODY!!!!!


Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Philip Kippel said:
And Barry Lee, please get a life!
PK, please do not post anything like this again.

Folks, if we can't keep the discussions diplomatic this thread will be closed.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2004
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Fozzie Bear said:
PK, please do not post anything like this again.

Folks, if we can't keep the discussions diplomatic this thread will be closed.
I agree with Fozzie.

Guys, I come to the MC forums to get away from all the other crap going on in my life. I want to be able to discuss something that I love, the Muppets. I dont want to come here and read people's posts that are just out right disrespectful. We all have different views and thats all right, as a matter of fact that what these forums are all about. I think that if you are a person that regularly posts on here then you have an understanding of what the Muppets are all about and more importantly what Jim was all about and that is peace and respect. If we cant keep those two things in mind when we post then we are doing a disfavor to ourselves and to Jim's memory. Just something to think about.


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2006
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I thought that I just said it all when I said LOVE EVERYBODY. But, NO, nobody listens to ME!



Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2004
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Once again, there shouldn't be a problem with posting your dis-satisfaction with how Disney is handling the Muppets. Be honest, but be constructive. If the folks at Disney have two brain cells to rub together (and I'll bet they do), they'll absorb the information and put it to use. And conversely, don't get ticked off that somebody doesn't like how Disney is handling the Muppets... it doesn't do any good... and believe me, Disney is well capable of defending themselves. They don't need anyone's help there.



Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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MWoO said:
What have they done already other than cancel projects in the US and send the muppets to France?
I would have sent the Muppets to France after Muppet Wizard Of Oz! Then again, Disney did have more than a little something to do with that.

I don't see the problem with that French Muppet Show, its getting the brand out there overseas and making them money. Obviously people don't like the fact it didn't happen in an English speaking country, but it isn't the actual puppets, muppeteers, writers etc. It hasn't taken anything away from the English speaking fans. Disney have just quite cleverly added another string to the Muppet bow .... bout the only clever thing they've done with the Muppets so far though!

Wizard Of Oz was SUCH a stinker, probably the worst the Muppets have ever done, that i think it would have taken this amount of time for them to get over it and the public to forget it no matter who owned them. Thankfully, i don't think the public actually knew a great deal about it in the first place. I'm not saying i have a lot of faith in Diz, internally they don't seem to know what to do with the Muppets, even the merchandising side which was supposed to be the most important thing to them hasn't worked out *yet*, but a company like Diz has enough money and enough other interests to take time sorting out a plan and it seems they are willing to let Baretta/Henson and others guide them so all is not totally lost. I don't see Diz ever as being saviour of the Muppets, or that we will ever see as regular Muppetry as we once did (they are more likely to bring them in and out every few years) but hopefully we should get a few nice things along the way. First step is this new show getting greenlighted, if they drop it like Next Muppet then we know there are problems and the ship is going down. It really isn't good that the Muppets have been out of the public eye quite a bit since Henson sold them (at least then we had ad's and more appearances), or that Disney ever went ahead with such a Stinker movie (and they knew it, how many script rewrites did that thing have) but whats happened, happened, but we still have some time before people, and more importantly the media start treating the Muppets as being up in Muffet Heaven!


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2007
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Luke said:
I don't see the problem with that French Muppet Show, its getting the brand out there overseas and making them money. Obviously people don't like the fact it didn't happen in an English speaking country, but it isn't the actual puppets, muppeteers, writers etc. It hasn't taken anything away from the English speaking fans. !\
I agree, I don't see any harm in some international exposure. Maybe it will help the Muppets in the long run. I love the fact that Sesame Street has been incorporated into SO many cultures and countries; it tells us that SS (even if it's not in the same incarnation some of us grew up with and loved) will continue to be around for a LONG LONG time. :smile:
Hopefully the same thing will grow to be true for the Muppets. It would be interesting if the popularity of the show abroad caused a renewed interest here in the U.S. Could be wishful thinking...but we'll just have to wait and see....


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2006
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I say Disney is not doing a bad job...they have had them on TV Shows ,made new CDS, done a movie....they are just getting started...lets hope....


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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i just say people are to negitive on disney. they are a good famliy movie compony that at least trys. They have control over the muppets now, so like it or not your going to have to deal with Disney. I truly beleve that if eoungh people on here want somthing from Disney then do somthing about it. Insteed of complaining on here start a pation or a letter that everyone sends from there e mail address or somthing. In bussnes if you want somthing done do it yourslfe , stop whinning to us other fans get off you lazy tails and do somthing about it!!! If you want help in doing do just ask ill do what i can but please if you don't want to put some legs behind your words dont say anything at all.