Yes but what else can we do? We DO have to rely less on oil, but we don't have anything else. That corn gas burns faster, so you're not saving any money at the pump. Plus, the price of food is going up because we're using more corn for that corn gas.
I don't think that corn gas is a long term solution. Though, maybe diverting corn reserves isn't exactly a bad thing. Off subject, corn products in food adds a hidden element to the health crisis. Corn starch, corn syrup? Maybe they should divert
that corn, and have the food industry work with pure sugar instead.
But HERE'S where the problem is. In the 1970's, with the first Earth Day and the first major oil/gas shortage, we should have took that as a sign to say, "Fossil Fuels won't be around forever. We have to deal with psycho countries to get it. We need to make a home grown alternative." They didn't. In fact, alternate fuel only came out a couple years ago. We have a new technology that's still in its infancy, and it's NOT going to help as much as we hope.
I think the biggest joke was when the president said, "We're addicted to oil." To which he added, "eh, I'm just making conversation." and did bullcrap about it. The oil companies were supposed to use their tax cuts to develope resorces to study alternative fuels. instead, they pocketed the difference (hense the profits), and spend all the money trying to find a solution paying PR people to make commercials bragging/lying about how they're really part of the solution.
Another thing that cracks me up is that people still want them to tap into the arctic, which may not have that much oil in it. And these people think as soon as we tap it, gas will be back to 2 bucks a gallon in a week. it'll take years before we construct the machines to drill for it, let alone the actual drilling process and building of pipelines.
All these talking heads are on TV saying "there's no silver bullet." Well, there is, but it would cause the oil companies to lose a tiny ammount of money. You wanna know how we can bring down the cost of oil? Put a muzzle on stock speculators and investors artificially driving the price up. Tell everyone to start taking money OUT of oil. It contributes more than you think. At least put a heavy tax on oil investments. Someone has to tell them they're unfairly profiteering off of human misery, and that artifically driving stocks up is immoral. How come insider trading is considered a crime, and this isn't? it's like drugging up an athlete.