Quiz: Can You Name At Least 60 Muppets Before Time Runs Out?

Blue Frackle

Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2015
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Ok, this is ridiculous; there are only a specific 60, which doesn't include Strangepork, J.P. Grosse, Beautiful Day Monster, Mildred, George the Janitor and Phil Van Neuter.

I actually semi-tried at it and only got half... missed a couple of embarrassing ones, most notably Pepe. At best, I see our best members getting 40, but there are some totally ridiculous ones in there like "Penguins" and the Moopets.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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It is rather awkward. I played the quiz on my phone a few times. Auto-correct kept making incorrect changes on some of the names I listed, yet I saw "spelling error red lines" under things that should have easily been corrected (like when typing Uncle Deadly as "Uncle Deadley", a spelling I keep forgetting). And it doesn't accept Walter but does accept Constantine (from a movie that didn't do as well as it should have) or Denise (from a show that didn't do as well as it should have)?

A lot of names were automatically let in as soon as I got a certain point in their names (typing in Bill the Bubble Guy registers as correct once you finish "Bill", I had intended on following Bill up with Gil and Jill), some I was still typing when I was told correct (so I had to backspace). It didn't accept "Dr. Bunsen Honeydew" but did accept "Bunsen Honeydew" (without the "Dr.").

One thing I found really interesting is how it says most fans likely won't get 12 (well, with the way this quiz is done...). It got me thinking of how many characters names casual fans would most likely get, and when I got to some names (like Bunsen and Beaker) I started wondering if those would be more of a maybe than a definite in terms of knowing the names.

Which let to me thinking about how many Muppet characters I knew by name - let's say back when I was 8, at a time when my Muppet fandom got a sudden boost (likely leading to me being the fan I am today). Thinking of which ones I knew by name (not counting Skeeter), I thought of Kermit, Miss Piggy, Fozzie, Gonzo, Rowlf, Scooter, Animal, Bunsen, Beaker, Robin, Camilla, Statler, Waldorf, Sam Eagle, The Swedish Chef, and Crazy Harry - that's 16 characters. And in addition to that, I mistakenly thought Sweetums was named Jack back then. I think I also knew/remembered PJ by name (not sure if I immediately knew Kai-Lee by name back then), as well as Bill and Jill (though back then, when Kermit got amnesia, I thought he called himself Bill instead of Phil, and was confused by another frog just happening to be Bill).


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I just took this quiz, and got 30. A handicap was not being able to list Sesame or Fraggle Muppets.

But man, this quiz was just messed up. Certain names I typed in like Hilda, George the Janitor, Julius Strangepork, J.P. Grosse, and even Walter were all rejected. Some MT characters like Clifford, Pepe, and Bobo were accepted, but not Seymour, Polly, or Clueless. The quiz also noted that background extras that never spoke were included, but ones I typed like Bobbity were rejected.

It also hinted to Statler and Waldorf long after I had already typed them in and they were accepted.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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II got 34, but what stumped me was that Rizzo did not get accepted while Rizzo the Rat would have. Plus it did not accept Walter. Since it didn't accept Rizzo I assumed that it was all characters from the classic era and didn't try MT characters. Rizzo didn't really pop with main audiences until the 90's. Then at the end it's listing the Moopets as well as MT characters. What the heck?

The Moopets are literally specifically said not to be Muppets in The Muppets 2011. Though I guess they still technically are Muppets.... it's very meta.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2012
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My score was 32. Lot of unusual exclusions. Johnny Fiama's not there, nor Seymour, Thog's there but not Thig, most surprising is that neither Mahna Mahna nor the Snowths are there. Tough game!


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2015
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Yeah, I agree with you guys. I was only able to get 28 because they wouldn't accept half of the answers I was putting in, and a lot of their clues made very little sense to me.
This quiz was challenging for all the wrong reasons.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Hints occur after they've been given, like "don't forget the electric mayhem" (when all six members are among the first 10-14 I list).

Reminds me of a time I made my own game, similar to Outburst, where I list things and people had to guess. I remember making a "name Muppets"-type card, I think I only listed 12, and people guessed characters not on the list. I remember not including Miss Piggy (really) but including characters I didn't expect them to know by name, like Dr. Teeth, Clifford, and maybe Crazy Harry (this was shortly before I knew Lips by name).

I'll do this better.... I'll see how many Muppet names I can list here (limiting it to just Disney's Muppets). I will set a timer to five minutes and.... go!

Kermit, Miss Piggy, Fozzie, Gonzo, Rizzo, Pepe, Camilla, Scooter, Dr. Teeth, Floyd, Animal, Janice, Zoot, Lips, Statler, Waldorf, Robin, Foo-Foo, Link Hogthrob, Dr. Strangepork, Bunsen, Beaker, The Swedish Chef, Sweetums, Thog, Timmy Monster, Mean Mama, Mutations, Doglion, Fletcher Bird, Gaffer, Dr. Phil van Neuter, Mulch, Clifford, Digit, Bean Bunny, Leon, Waldo C. Graphic, Walter, Constantine, Angelo, Beauregard, Lew Zealand, Crazy Harry, Uncle Deadly, JP Gross, Annie Sue, Lubbock Lou, Slim Wilson, Lou, Bubba, Zeke, Gramps, Gorgon Heap, Big Mean Carl, Boppity, Gloat, Talking Houses, George the Janitor, Mildred, Johnny Fiama, Sal, Wally, Bill, Gil, Jill, '80s Robot, PJ, Kai-Lee, Muppy, Rufus, Nigel, Nigel, Eugene, Luncheon Counter Monster, Bean Bunny, Lindbergh, Lindy, Boo Monster, Tug Monster, Molly Monster, Anthony, Fern, Old Tom, Real Old Tom, Dead Tom, Wayne, Wanda, Bobo the Bear, Bill the Bubble Guy, Mr. Poodlepants, Spamela Hamderson, David Hogsohog, Andy, Randy, Jim, Frank, Jerry, The Newsman, Louis Kazagger, Fleet Scribbler, Hilda, Zelda Rose, Bobby Benson, Marvin Suggs, Beth Bear, Mad Monty, Clueless Morgan, Polly Lobster, Jowls, Trumpet Girl, King Goshposh, Featherstone, Splurge, Thig, Leroy, TR.

So that's 116 in five minutes.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Yes, as I said in my spoiler, I got hints regarding Statler and Waldorf well into the quiz, and they were among the first names I typed.