And America Continues to Show it's True Colors. . .


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Aug 8, 2003
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Oh yeah, and here's something interesting: Most of the people who have posted in this thread (other than me and Jamie, correct me if I've missed you) are Christians, and yet the viewpoints shared here are often completely different, most notably between @D'Snowth and @MuppetsRule . I honestly think it's interesting how sometimes people with the same beliefs can have differing opinions, y'know?

IDK I'm still not making sense.
Conservatism and Liberalism don't just apply to politics, but religion as well.

This is one of the reasons why I recently resigned from a new church I was working for: the entire congregation was conservative, and I wasn't, so already I was an ill fit . . . I honestly think they just kind of ignored/overlooked the fact I was liberal, but I mean they would pray for Trump every Sunday, and when it came to incidents and attacks, they would pray if it involved other Christians (such as Christians being killed in the middle east by Muslims), but never anybody else.

But really, the main reason I resigned was because I honestly see no future for this church: it's too ritualistic and too stuffy for the services to be enjoyable or anything; not to mention the pastor, while a nice guy, just doesn't seem to have any leadership qualities.

Old Thunder

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Aug 13, 2015
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they would pray for Trump every Sunday
I mean, if I were a Christian I probably would too, just as I would for any other president.

What kind of occupation did you hold within the church BTW?


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Aug 8, 2003
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Right now, I feel this divided country and the people who are the victims of violence and hatred are in need of prayer moreso.

But anyway, I was their social media strategist.


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Sep 16, 2002
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The churches I go to pray for world leaders to make moral choices. Sometimes they say politicans. But they never single out the president by name. Well, heh, I did have one pastor who implied non-Republican politicians would go to H*ll. I don't go to his services anymore, lol.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Yeah, I've been told that even if gay people accept Jesus and are saved as Christians, they'll still go to H*ll because they choose to willfully live in sin.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Yeah, I've been told that even if gay people accept Jesus and are saved as Christians, they'll still go to H*ll because they choose to willfully live in sin.
Busy bodies distracting from their own sins.


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Dec 2, 2002
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Yeah, I've been told that even if gay people accept Jesus and are saved as Christians, they'll still go to H*ll because they choose to willfully live in sin.
That's so far from my religious upbringing. There is no willfully living in sin. We are all sinners by nature. And if we accept Jesus as our Savior that's all that matters, no matter what sin you've committed, whether it's shoplifting or murder. There are no degrees of sin. And there is no escaping sin.

“For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.”

"If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us."

And finally

"For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one [point], he is guilty of all."

This last verse is basically saying that no one sin is greater than another. Every sin is equally bad in God's eyes. So, anybody who even thinks that homosexuality is a sin needs to remember that in God's eyes, it isn't better or worse than say, lying or gossiping. So the next time someone wants to bash someone for being homosexual, they should remember that they aren't any better than that person.
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Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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My two cents on racism:

Some media outlets portray only white people to be racist. But there's more to it.
Racism stems from fear and ignorance. Fear of other people because the color of their skin is different from yours, and ignorance from assuming all people of that race bear certain traits.
Fear and ignorance are human weaknesses. So anybody, regardless of color, can be racist. And all of us are, to some degree.

I've tried hard over the years to do what I can to build bridges between different races. Didn't always succeed, but still made the effort.

Building bridges, knocking down walls. It's a shame that there will always be people of all colors, that would rather see the walls stay up, rather than bring them down. Those are people that live with that fear in their hearts and ignorance in their minds.

You might not change the world (maybe I won't either), but any effort to building bridges, mending fences, and moving forward is a victory, no matter how small.