And America Continues to Show it's True Colors. . .


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2012
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And Democratic or liberal politicians are more in touch with the middle and lower class???

So many of ALL politicians have had privilege and wealth all their lives. None of them know what it's like to go without electricity or worry about where their next meal is going to come from.

I looked up the net worth of politicians.

In the Senate the average net worth of Democratic Senators is $13,566,333 compared to the average net worth of Republican Senators of $6,956,438. So the net worth of Democratic Senators is almost doubled that of Republican Senators.

In Congress Republicans have an average net worth of $7,614,097 compared to Democrats $5,700,168.

The net worth of politicians in general has been on the rise. Only the wealthy have the means to get elected to office, no matter what the party affiliation. It would be a safe bet that almost all politicians from either party know what it is like to struggle and live paycheck to paycheck.

So I just don't buy the class warfare that the Democrats are constantly trying to sell. It doesn't exist.
Even the Democrats have had two upper-crust candidates from wealthy backgrounds: Franklin D. Roosevelt, and John F. Kennedy, both of whose families were renowned for their prominent wealth.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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As long as Trump is undoing everything Obama did just for the sake of undoing everything Obama did, can he go ahead and sign another Executive Order that will make 100-watt incandescent bulbs legal again? I really miss those things.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I think the events of late are proof that the "liberal media" is not "fake news," nor is it trying to make Trump look bad: when news gets out about Trump sharing classified information with Russia, White House GOP denied it altogether and, once again, made accusations it was "fake news" concocted by the "liberal media." Then shortly afterwards, Dumb Donald himself admitted on Twitter that he did it.

So, who are the liars now?


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2012
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I think the events of late are proof that the "liberal media" is not "fake news," nor is it trying to make Trump look bad: when news gets out about Trump sharing classified information with Russia, White House GOP denied it altogether and, once again, made accusations it was "fake news" concocted by the "liberal media." Then shortly afterwards, Dumb Donald himself admitted on Twitter that he did it.

So, who are the liars now?
Even when the White House and Trump issue contradictory statements, I think that Trump and his band of minions (in the negative sense, not the kid-friendly sense) are united in trying to dupe Democrats and the American public. They don't care about the truth. And obviously, no one seems to be buying it, even the people who still support Trump. (I think they just put on blinders and hold onto whatever hope they can, which I strangely find admirable for some reason.)

The Dems are like, "You really think you can fool us with your garbage?" GOP says, "YES, WE CAN! YOU'LL NEVER FIND OUT WHAT'S REALLY GOING ON. WE HAVE NO TIES TO RUSSIA/THEY DIDN'T HACK THE ELECTIONS/MEXICO IS STILL GONNA PAY FOR THE WALL ETC ETC ETC." Dems: "Okay, let's see how long you try to play this game before you get your a$$e$ handed to you."


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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Faux News has spent all day dredging through "liberal scandals" and ignoring the entire Russian Oval Office/Israeli intel now likely in the hands of Iran fiasco. I devoutly wish we could intellectually reach all the people who rely on them for NEWS, as they are strictly propaganda benefiting only the Koch sharks and their assorted Congressional remoras...

As to Dems being inexperienced with the daily travails of the middle and lower class, while certainly there are plenty of privileged white folk in office, since at least the Kennedys the entire party has focused on redressing social imbalance, at every level. I have personally met very wealthy folk who were passionately committed to this, and who supported Dems as a means of achieving social improvements for everyone.

Show me a wealthy Repub who raises their voice, much less their purse, to support the real American Dream: an equal base for all to start from, good education for all, affordable healthcare for all, job training, a liveable minimum wage and fair taxes which place the burden on the 1% like every OTHER civilized nation does. (Warren Buffett maybe...which way did he vote?)


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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A brief blurb on the values of love and connectedness Jim Henson inspired in me on this day of remembrance:

I’m not really back and I'm certainly not going to delve into the political deep water of the moment or this thread. There’s far too much toxicity and poorly-formed hyperbole in the world already. I’ve had my fill. What I will say is this. On this crazy day, my mind is calmed by thinking of Jim. I really wish the truly good people would stick around this world a little longer than they do.

I know this thread was a retread of the critical one about a Tough Pigs article that I happened to enjoy. I am not aiming to relitigate this (even though it probably seems like that). I'm not planning respond to any subsequent comments either, so please address those to other people here. I’m only interested in stating the facts. Dear God, that word almost means nothing these days.

On January the 23rd of this year, the popular Tough Pigs site published an article tilted, “Donald Trump: The Anti-Henson.” I understand why some fans objected. I also understand why most didn’t. The now infamous article didn’t quite say one couldn’t both be a fan of the Muppets and of Donald Trump. They did, however, question of how a person could support such conflicting ideals and messages. That’s an entirely fair question to pose. And it most certainly is posed as a bewildered question rather than a statement of fact.

Mr. Trump famously celebrates the vulgar way he pushes people around in order to get things done, while Jim had a soft touch and understood humility. Trump sees America First, while Jim took a much more thoughtful world view. Neither of those things is up for debate. They are facts on record. I could talk about the environment and a whole host of other issues, but I'm not going to open that can of worms. I'm keeping it to simple sensibilities.

Jim Henson never entered the world of politics, but he did utilize the Muppets for many great causes. His programs, while entertaining, maintained his good values about how we should treat one another. He also did this in a way that was neither preachy nor too sticky sweet. Is entertainment just to be consumed with no real purpose of critical thinking or growth? I don’t think so. Listen to Jim talk about the world of Fraggle Rock. He didn’t think so either.

I’m an out and proud gay, progressive fella who comes from a religious-evangelical, hyper-partisan, conservative family in Houston, Texas. I came out as a teenager in the 90's while still living at home. While we all love each other, it’s not always easy. It’s been very hard. Everyone seems to believe my family has a lot of tolerance. They didn’t always. My parents taught me much, but I taught the lesson of tolerance to them. Not acceptance, mind you. I’m not asking for the world from them. They’ve given me enough. The only way I survived growing up, however, was through the morals and values of Jim Henson. It took me years as an adult to figure out where the heck my values came from. He's who taught me tolerance. I tend to be known for that, but I do stumble a lot too. Hey, coming from where I did required a thick skin and it doesn't always immediately to occur to me that many other people don't have that, but I eventually figure it out and do my best to make things right. Yeah, I believe in WWJD, but Jim is the J in that acronym.

Would Jim have written such an article? I don’t believe so. At least, not outright. He wasn't a writer of articles, so that's kind of moot. He would have probably found another clever and simple way to lampoon Mr. Trump and the things he stands for that poked fun at itself and made us all feel connected. The Tough Pigs article does a lot of that if you read beyond the headline and without prejudice.

It’s really the headline that made people so darn angry. The subtext of the article points to a disturbing lack of unity. A lot of the public in general, regardless of political affiliation, has trouble understanding facts. Many folk have lost the ability to recognize nuance. Both the Muppets and the Tough Pigs articles use a great deal of that! Nonetheless, the place is called Tough Pigs for a reason. They don’t tiptoe around anything. They require fans use their real names in order to be accountable for what they say on their forum. Tough Pigs is comprised of a colorful group of bold misfits, very much like the Muppets they celebrate. In fact, they are the most Muppety people I know. Some literally! As one of Tough Pigs' many members, I also share the conflict of their leadership in that I'm a progressive person with Trump-supporting friends whom I still talk to on a regular basis.

Again, I can see why the article made some folk fighting mad, but it was a discussion that needed to be had. My plea for anyone who feels animus toward anyone else is to please first look inward. The support and disdain of Trump is tearing actual families apart, not just the Muppet family. It’s clear that the world needs Jim Henson more than ever! We can try our best, but only Jim Henson was Jim Henson and he probably fell short of his myth when he was among us.

We should try to see the good in each other a little more. All of this political stuff. Yeah – it’s very important and it matters much! It requires vigilance and with that it will likely be sorted out eventually. I just hope good friendships will remain after the storm clears. I think it's going to require patience and honesty from everybody. One or both of those two things always seems to be missing in modern America. On this day, I miss Jim very much. He did what he said. He left this place better than he found it. I just wish people would find their way back to the themes and messages he taught us through the most wonderful characters ever created.


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Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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A brief blurb on the values of love and connectedness Jim Henson inspired in me on this day of remembrance:

I’m not really back and I'm certainly not going to delve into the political deep water of the moment or this thread. There’s far too much toxicity and poorly-formed hyperbole in the world already. I’ve had my fill. What I will say is this. On this crazy day, my mind is calmed by thinking of Jim. I really wish the truly good people would stick around this world a little longer than they do.

I know this thread was a retread of the critical one about a Tough Pigs article that I happened to enjoy. I am not aiming to relitigate this (even though it probably seems like that). I'm not planning respond to any subsequent comments either, so please address those to other people here. I’m only interested in stating the facts. Dear God, that word almost means nothing these days.

On January the 23rd of this year, the popular Tough Pigs site published an article tilted, “Donald Trump: The Anti-Henson.” I understand why some fans objected. I also understand why most didn’t. The now infamous article didn’t quite say one couldn’t both be a fan of the Muppets and of Donald Trump. They did, however, question of how a person could support such conflicting ideals and messages. That’s an entirely fair question to pose. And it most certainly is posed as a bewildered question rather than a statement of fact.

Mr. Trump famously celebrates the vulgar way he pushes people around in order to get things done, while Jim had a soft touch and understood humility. Trump sees America First, while Jim took a much more thoughtful world view. Neither of those things is up for debate. They are facts on record. I could talk about the environment and a whole host of other issues, but I'm not going to open that can of worms. I'm keeping it to simple sensibilities.

Jim Henson never entered the world of politics, but he did utilize the Muppets for many great causes. His programs, while entertaining, maintained his good values about how we should treat one another. He also did this in a way that was neither preachy nor too sticky sweet. Is entertainment just to be consumed with no real purpose of critical thinking or growth? I don’t think so. Listen to Jim talk about the world of Fraggle Rock. He didn’t think so either.

I’m an out and proud gay, progressive fella who comes from a religious-evangelical, hyper-partisan, conservative family in Houston, Texas. I came out as a teenager in the 90's while still living at home. While we all love each other, it’s not always easy. It’s been very hard. Everyone seems to believe my family has a lot of tolerance. They didn’t always. My parents taught me much, but I taught the lesson of tolerance to them. Not acceptance, mind you. I’m not asking for the world from them. They’ve given me enough. The only way I survived growing up, however, was through the morals and values of Jim Henson. It took me years as an adult to figure out where the heck my values came from. He's who taught me tolerance. I tend to be known for that, but I do stumble a lot too. Hey, coming from where I did required a thick skin and it doesn't always immediately to occur to me that many other people don't have that, but I eventually figure it out and do my best to make things right. Yeah, I believe in WWJD, but Jim is the J in that acronym.

Would Jim have written such an article? I don’t believe so. At least, not outright. He wasn't a writer of articles, so that's kind of moot. He would have probably found another clever and simple way to lampoon Mr. Trump and the things he stands for that poked fun at itself and made us all feel connected. The Tough Pigs article does a lot of that if you read beyond the headline and without prejudice.

It’s really the headline that made people so darn angry. The subtext of the article points to a disturbing lack of unity. A lot of the public in general, regardless of political affiliation, has trouble understanding facts. Many folk have lost the ability to recognize nuance. Both the Muppets and the Tough Pigs articles use a great deal of that! Nonetheless, the place is called Tough Pigs for a reason. They don’t tiptoe around anything. They require fans use their real names in order to be accountable for what they say on their forum. Tough Pigs is comprised of a colorful group of bold misfits, very much like the Muppets they celebrate. In fact, they are the most Muppety people I know. Some literally! As one of Tough Pigs' many members, I also share the conflict of their leadership in that I'm a progressive person with Trump-supporting friends whom I still talk to on a regular basis.

Again, I can see why the article made some folk fighting mad, but it was a discussion that needed to be had. My plea for anyone who feels animus toward anyone else is to please first look inward. The support and disdain of Trump is tearing actual families apart, not just the Muppet family. It’s clear that the world needs Jim Henson more than ever! We can try our best, but only Jim Henson was Jim Henson and he probably fell short of his myth when he was among us.

We should try to see the good in each other a little more. All of this political stuff. Yeah – it’s very important and it matters much! It requires vigilance and with that it will likely be sorted out eventually. I just hope good friendships will remain after the storm clears. I think it's going to require patience and honesty from everybody. One or both of those two things always seems to be missing in modern America. On this day, I miss Jim very much. He did what he said. He left this place better than he found it. I just wish people would find their way back to the themes and messages he taught us through the most wonderful characters ever created.


Amen brother.

I might be some distance from your point of view- straight, leaning toward the right, conservative, devout Christian, but I do appreciate and respect your opinion.

The media has done a wonderful job of presenting a skewed view of opposite sides. Neither is as intolerant or evil as the other makes them out to be.
You are correct, whether you stand left or right, before you accuse the other side of intolerance, bigotry, hatred, take a good hard look at yourself first. As another "J" friend said, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone".

I miss Jim as much as anybody. He certainly was a powerful influence in my life, and I was lucky enough to have 22 years with him on this earth.

People like you and me, and others on here- we should strive to make him proud. That's the best tribute we could give him.