And America Continues to Show it's True Colors. . .


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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Trump has the presidency, Ryan and McConnell have the senate, but none of them can get a healthcare bill passed! Hahahaha! As Trump would Tweet it (if this had happened under Obama's administration) HEALTHCARE FAIL! TOTAL LOSERS! SAD!

Trump's impotence as president is beginning to become a high profile issue. It's not the dems that are holding him back. His own party is turning on him because he's poor leader, a terrible president, a horrible person and an immature imbecile. How long will it take the rest of the country to notice? I mean, they didn't notice that their Make America Great Again hats were made in China. That's rather moronic. I guess it shouldn't be surprising, considering the rise of folk who literally believe the world is flat. This is the beginning of America's idiocracy. :stick_out_tongue:

I meant to say Congress instead of just senate. Ha! Anyway, the House is voting on it now. We'll see what happens.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Well, one victory for the American people: "The World's Best Healthcare Plan of 2017" didn't pass.

Trump is blaming Ryan for this one.

EDIT: Now Trump and Ryan both are blaming Democrats (despite they clearly had little support from their own party either), because they feel it's better to have a Republican healthcare plan (where the wealthy are taken care of and the poor are left high and dry) than a Democrat healthcare plan like "Obamacare" (where everybody is covered).
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Aug 8, 2003
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Or that people and groups opposing cutting federal funding for PBS, CPB, and the arts in general (including both Sesame Workshop and the Fred Rogers Company) will rise and succeed in their opposition.


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Dec 2, 2002
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No it doesn't. It does the exact opposite. The healthcare bill never came to a vote because President Trump and the Speaker of the House Paul Ryan couldn't get enough votes from the Freedom Caucus, a group of 35 Republican congressmen that are very very conservative. They felt that the healthcare bill wasn't conservative enough and Republican leadership couldn't sway their votes. Do you think these conservative congressmen are going to vote for funding for PBS, etc?


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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This is the most imbecilic, incompetent and impotent president our country has ever had. Trump's unpopularity and inability to rally his own party is record breaking. Basically, he should be in the Guinness Book of World Records for losers. Just imagine how Trump would tweet about this if it had been Obama who couldn't pass a bill with a democratic leaning congress. I don't understand why so many of Trump's supporters infantilize him and his feelings. This country is becoming a global joke. It's time for him to step down and let a real leader pick up the torch. I don't like Pence at all, but I'd rather have him at the helm if we ever have to take military action against a country than Trump the idiotic hothead.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Not sure which is worse: the fact that my dad is a truck driver, or the fact that my dad is also a Trump supporter.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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Not sure which is worse: the fact that my dad is a truck driver, or the fact that my dad is also a Trump supporter.
All work is honorable work. Truck driving is a tough gig and one that keeps our country running.

Trump is popular with folk because he appeals to their frustration. I understand those feelings. That's reasonable. The unreasonable part is that Trumpcare and most of Trump's policies totally hose his hard working base. Basically, Trumpcare is Obamacare that guts anything beneficial to the hardworking middle and lower class while giving the wealthiest Americans a huge tax cut.

In essence, the anger over the economy and the blind hatred toward President Obama and Secretary Clinton are greater than some folk's common sense. I often characterize it as plain stupidity, but it really isn't. It's anger. That's why Trump ran the most hateful campaign in modern American history. Hatred toward others is a big industry with endless resources.

But the truth is, Trump does not care about solving anyone's problems. He just wants to line his pockets with more money, throw rallies for the applause and blame everyone else for what goes wrong. I've really never witnessed immaturity on this level. It's obscene and eventually, mark my words, Trump's hubris will be his downfall.