And America Continues to Show it's True Colors. . .


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Sep 8, 2003
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That was Lucifer. :wink:

But hey, here's a brief blurb about Drumpf's plan of axing the life fuel of PBS:

Somebody was quoted as saying, "It's sad in a way." It's not sad in a way, it's just plain sad, period.

But what I really hate is apparently the Drumpf Edministration is saying they're "using these programs as examples of wastes of taxpayers money." Think about that for a minute . . . isn't that like bad in medieval times, when criminals would be publically paraded around and/or executed to be made examples of? Or a student is punished by a teacher in front of the rest of the class to be made an example of? This is basically saying, "See what happens when you don't put money towards giant conglomerate corporations that want to rule the world? You end up with quality programming that you actually enjoy instead! That's Un-American!"
I thought that goverment funding was slowly decreasing over the years?


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Sorry for the double post but what is this I'm seeing on the news about all theses threats to the Jewish community? Trump is saying it's sad and has to stop. What I want to know is when will all the hatred stop???

Old Thunder

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Aug 13, 2015
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Sorry for the double post but what is this I'm seeing on the news about all theses threats to the Jewish community? Trump is saying it's sad and has to stop. What I want to know is when will all the hatred stop???
Never, hatred will continue on in this world forever and ever, ad infinitum.



Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Sorry for the double post but what is this I'm seeing on the news about all theses threats to the Jewish community?
There's been an influx of hate crimes against the Jewish community since Trump won the election, and that includes attacks on Jewish businesses and temples where people are writing anti-Semitic grafitti on the walls, or burning places down, but the most recent attack were vandals destroying tombstones in a historic Jewish cemetery.

Unless this is "fake news" (since Faux News isn't the source), apparently Trump is now only speaking out about this because Hillary called him up and was basically like dude, what's the deal, why aren't you addressing this?


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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There's been an influx of hate crimes against the Jewish community since Trump won the election, and that includes attacks on Jewish businesses and temples where people are writing anti-Semitic grafitti on the walls, or burning places down, but the most recent attack were vandals destroying tombstones in a historic Jewish cemetery.

Unless this is "fake news" (since Faux News isn't the source), apparently Trump is now only speaking out about this because Hillary called him up and was basically like dude, what's the deal, why aren't you addressing this?
Really but why Jews all of a sudden? Trump is not Jewish to my knowledge. If anything you would think that Muslims would be heavily targeted or evangelicals for that matter.


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Aug 8, 2003
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I think it's less about Trump himself, and more about people who feel emboldened and empowered by his victory to crawl out of the woodwork and release their hatred without consequence.

But at any rate, here's an interesting article about a pastor and his daughter's experience attending Trump's rally in Florda:

To read him describe it, the supporters attending the rally must be more of those who actually believe God Himself elected Trump into Office. . . .


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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I think it's less about Trump himself, and more about people who feel emboldened and empowered by his victory to crawl out of the woodwork and release their hatred without consequence.

But at any rate, here's an interesting article about a pastor and his daughter's experience attending Trump's rally in Florda:

To read him describe it, the supporters attending the rally must be more of those who actually believe God Himself elected Trump into Office. . . .
I read most of that, and that is a little scary if you ask me. Almost like these Trump supporters are starting there own hate filled religion, Which could really be bad..


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Aug 8, 2003
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I commend the pastor - even though he wasn't a Trump supporter, he at least wanted his daughter to have this experience of seeing a President speaking to the American people in person . . . instead, I fear this girl will be scarred for life after what happened.

On a lighter note, here's what happened when a girl got to see Obama in person a number of years ago:


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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I've been thinking, about our country and our government. Isn't America supposed to be the land of the free? If we are why is our government telling us how we can or can not live? I'm starting to learn that no one in this country is going to agree on every view or issue, but why do we have to make it a challenge for someone else to believe or live however they want?
I do not agree with someone being a homosexual, but at the same time I understand that you can't help who you are attached to or fall in love with. If this is truly a free nation then no matter who you want to marry you should be able to. At the same time however it should also be OK to not support same sex marriage. If done in a kind non judgmental manner. It seems that we have allowed our government to label groups of people and because of that each group seems to be at war with one another.
We should not be defined by the color of our skin, our our gender, or sexual preference. We should be defined by who we are on the inside. Because honestly that's how God looks at us.
Dose any of this makes sense?