After getting Season 4 on DVD, I had nearly forgotten just how epic a lot of these episodes were this season - particularly the last few of them.
But, I also forgot how controversial some of them were. "The Mask" aside, I remember "Windmill Vandals" was perhaps the scariest and most unsettling episode of the series . . . it certainly the only episode I can remember seeing that gave me the willies. And that "Uncommon Cold" episode? I didn't realize it as a kid, but danged if there isn't some racial undertones going on there with those slugs. Feels like since they knew this was the last season, they were trying to push the envelope a little bit.
Oh, and apparently somebody is going to be having a live interview with Dilly tonight, but I don't know who or where - all I know is it'll be live at 11:00 tonight.