I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say your wording was bad. I'm the one who always struggles to explain myself, believe me, lol. I've just been frustrated. Not every board is as civil toward disagreement as this one. A lot of boards, it's like you're constantly trying to avoid encountering little mind fields of a lifetime of bitter resentment, lol.
Yeah, I do like that - apart from some comments - the board is pretty much civil and we can agree to disagree.
With that said, I...really want to like this show, but TBH, I'm down 3 episodes now that I haven't seen and I just dont...feel it. Not that I'm saying I don't want to watch them, I do, but it's...
It's the same way I felt about Season 4 of OUAT (which I still have not seen from beginning to end). I also got about 4 episodes in and was like...yeah, I'll wait until I've got two episodes and I'll just do a binge. And then it was...maybe 3, cause I'm busy this week. Until finally I'm at the season finale going...hmmm, should I bother? Just...not feeling it.
That's kinda how I feel, despite the fact that episodes 4 and 6 were ones that I was like, OMG I HAVE to watch these! But I'm not running to them like I am OUAT season 5 or Bones or Scream Queens. I will totally defend the fact that I am not in a camp of 'this isn't the Jim Henson Muppets and how dare they change the Muppets I love!'; I totally want this show to succeed and I wanna be able to look back and go, "Oh man. Do you guys remember when this show first premiered? Totally uneven, but worth it to see the show say goodbye after 11 years."
Not that we'd get that, but TMS went five years and with this show doing more or less connected continuity (somewhat), I'd love for a nice end that's longer than the original show, but doesn't drag on like the Simpsons. I know a lot of people have been comparing this to the likes of Family Guy or American Dad in terms of humor, but if you've ever watch these shows,
this show is totally not that.
FG has gone off the rails that I haven't seen new episode since maybe season 11 or 12 (maybe). AD is just hitting a sort of uneven stride in these later seasons, thankfully more hit than miss, but not the hilarity that the first 8 seasons was. The only weirdness factor for me so far was Fozzie's dinner with Becky's parents; that was uncomfortably weird, which if there was a laugh track, wouldn't have been so bad, but awkward silence does not do the Muppets.
I might be the only person who's maybe a little worried with the showrunner switch; the person they got did do well on that 70's Show and HIMYM, but those were very much, not shows for anyone under 15. I don't want it to do a complete 180, but cleaning it up some would be great. Last episode had just a A and a B plot, which I think works out much better than the three plots simultaneously. IIRC TMS also only had two plots going (at most).
Well, this was an unexpected tangent! Sorry!