Hey Vicki, I know it's never the same. But it helps to remember: life never does sameness. I've read in one Christian theology book that many people would potentially stop going to church because they embrace tradition over change, i.e., if the worship music became rock'n'roll instead of the pipe organ. Jesus is the one who stays the same. Yet he changes lives in the numerous changes of life in the universe; whether good or evil, they all work in his mighty favor, just to save us, because he loves you.
And take me e.g.! You've seen the complaint I posted on the Fraggle-Rock-a-thon thread, right? I didn't think that humor was meant for FR characters, but I truly didn't understand how meaningful it was for the Hub. And I still don't know if anyone has forgiven me yet...
Let's face the truth, Vicki. These are the Muppets we're talking about! They've been well known to roll with the changes. Sure, Jerry Nelson was awesome, and yeah, I believe Gobo should be his well-known character; but I assume we won't truly know if he is the best performer of Gobo ever until the Muppet history itself is well-written. For now, let's just give John Tartaglia a chance. He does nail the Canadian accent, after all.
I wanna see a Fraggle Rock movie, too. And whether or not it might truly happen, I have an idea on my own you might accept. I call it Project Revision, and I placed much of its basic info in a
previous thread. I have plans to sell it (sooner or later, hopefully while there's still a Fuzzy Renaissance).
And one more thing...Welcome to the forum, newbie. It's known to be as
crazy as the Muppets!