Fraggle Collectibles

Rock Wall Calendar (1984)
by Bruce McNally.
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Rock Calendar (1989)
1989 by Muppet Press. Written by Louise Gikow. Illustrated by Larry DiFiori.
is probably the last Fraggle Rock calendar ever printed. It came out with
the wave of merchandising following the animated series. This calendar
was done by the same artist as the slew of Fraggle Rock learning type
books released at the same time.
In 1985,
the artist Larry DiFiori did the illustrations for the Fraggle Rock story
book "Boober Fraggle's Ghosts".
His technique of drawing Fraggles changed slightly since then, especially
in the fashion he drew the Fraggle's clothing and their hair. The newer
versions may have been geared to look more like the animated Fraggles.
The calendar
features illustrations of Fraggle, Doozer and Gorg holidays loosely based
on the "silly creature" holidays that fall during those months.
The Fraggles dress in green in March, Fraggle Fools Day is celebrated
in April and we can't forget about the Festival of the Bells in December.
When closed, the calendar measures approximately 6 x 6 inches. It's relatively
small for a calendar.
back to Fraggle Rock Collectibles.

compiled by
Nick Bondra and Phillip Chapman