Bad guest stars

Super Scooter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2002
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Tommie said:
That's from the Michelle Pfeifer episode
No. No, it isn't. The Michelle Pfeifer episode was the first episode. Seymour and Pepe didn't become major characters until the Sandra Bullock episode, and the reason for calling each other piggy is because in the Whoopi Goldberg episode Miss Piggy is late in returning from the airport, so they're trying to find a replacement for her.

The first time Seymour abnd Pepe sing their song, it goes:
I'm Seymour!
I'm Pepe!
We're two of a kind!
I'm a little bit forward,
And I've got a big behind.

Hey, Seymour? What do you get when you cross an elephant with a Rhino?

Gorgon Heap

Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Already started a 'Worst TMS guests' thread a while ago. It's around here somewhere.

I myself kinda liked the Liberace episode. The mood and feel of it was nice, and I thought it was at least interesting for the guest's appearance to be saved for the end. Sometimes tweaks and experiments with format yield positive results, sometimes not, but it's nearly always worth trying at least once.

I think perhaps the idea of a guest star not going on until the end would be more interesting if it were integrated into the plot, kind of like the Bob Hope episode (except he did talk spots and appeared onstage throughout). Perhaps something like the guest being missing or delayed or laid up or otherwise indisposed. Maybe if the guest star was eaten or trapped in a closet or stuck hanging from the ceiling or something of that nature that would prevent him/her from going on.

David "Gorgon Heap" Ebersole

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Super Scooter said:
Hey, Seymour? What do you get when you cross an elephant with a Rhino?
Only the Muppets can take a joke as old as dirt and make it still be funnee.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2002
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One of my least favorite episodes was the Diana Ross show. I felt that the joke about the audience booing every act that wasn't Diana's went too long for my tastes.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Fozzie Bear said:
That Jackson woman when she and pirates take over the theater--I hate that show.

Ironically, there was an episode of Between the Lions like that that I dislike. Lionel was reading a book about pirates, and then he decides to play pirates, but excludes girls because there weren't any female pirates. They look up Ann Bonny, who WAS a Female pirate, she takes over the library, and the episode COMPLETELY trails off and has no real ending...

Ann Bonny, of Course was a CGI figure on a flat piece of paper... they could have ripped her in half, or put her through the papre shredder, making it excrutiating to watch...taking all this guff from a piece of paper..

I didn't really like Raquel Welch's opening number, but I got to admit, the finalie with Piggy was good. I didn't really like the jeolous Piggy thing until the end duet...

I gotta say, a lot of Sesame guests were bad... I didn't like Sherryl Crow's "I gonna soak up the sun" number, I dispise the effeminant voice that Aaron Nelville has, and Nsync NStynks!!!